Resultaten (5)
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Anti-Architecture & Deconstruction: The Triumph of Nihilism
Fourth Edition
2021 || Paperback || Nikos A. Salingaros || || met inkijkexemplaar
"Nikos Salingaros is a mathematician who's also a brilliant thinker about architecture and urbanism. 'Solid' doesn't begin to hint at his virtues and talents, but isn't it nice when you encounter 'solid' in the world of the arts? Salingaros has worked closely with Christopher Alexander, and has become a major architecture theorist in his own right." -- Ray Sawhill.
"This is an interesting compilation of some of the important roots and evolutions of modernism and its latest development, the De...
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A Theory of Architecture
2021 || Paperback || Nikos A. Salingaros || || met inkijkexemplaar
More than a decade in the making, this is a textbook of architecture rich with design techniques and useful for every architect whether a first-year students or experienced practicing architects. The book teaches the reader how to design by adapting to human needs and sensibilities, yet independently of any particular style. It explains much of what people instinctively know about architecture, and puts that knowledge for the first time in a concise, understandable form. There has not been su...
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Algorithmic Sustainable Design: Twelve Lectures on Architecture
2021 || Paperback || Nikos A. Salingaros || || met inkijkexemplaar
Twelve one-hour video lectures are archived online, and can be accessed for free. These lectures apply cutting-edge mathematical techniques to architectural and urban design. The course material is original, and includes innovative topics such as algorithms, fractals, cellular automata, complexity, emergence, information theory, symmetries, scaling, codes, and networks, here introduced into architecture and urbanism for the first time. Students from around the world can now learn the intellig...
Exploring a New Urbanism
Two Decades of Urban/City Research at the Ax:son Johnson Foundation
2021 || Hardcover || Michael W. Mehaffy || || met inkijkexemplaar
Cities around the world are working to build more livable environments, better-quality public spaces, more resilient and sustainable urban economies, lower resource impacts, greater social equity, and other goals of a “new urban agenda.” In this process, the American movement advanced by the Congress for the New Urbanism has been unquestionably influential, if sometimes controversial. This volume presents a distillation of key essays by CNU proponents in their own words, as well as perspe...
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2021 || Paperback || Nikos A. Salingaros || || met inkijkexemplaar
Más allá de una crítica específica al deconstructivismo, este libro recoge una compilación heterogénea de textos donde Nikos A. Salíngaros desvela las claves de su propio pensamiento. Como discípulo de Christopher Alexander, el autor defiende el uso de criterios científicos en la teoría y práctica de la arquitectura. Para ello estudia empíricamente las reacciones fisiológicas que la experiencia arquitectónica produce sobre el ser humano y las traduce en estados anímicos como el...