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xNUR: Algemene sociale wetenschappen
xUitgever: Harvard University Press
xVerschijningsvorm: Paperback
Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
Never in Anger / 1st edition
Portrait of an Eskimo Family
1971 || Paperback || Jean L. Briggs || Harvard University Press
In the summer of 1963, anthropologist Jean Briggs journeyed to the Canadian Northwest Territories (now Nunavut) to begin a seventeen-month field study of the Utku, a small group of Inuit First Nations people who live at the mouth of the Back River, northwest of Hudson Bay. Living with a family as their "adopted" daughter-sharing their iglu during the winter and pitching her tent next to theirs in the summer-Briggs observed the emotional patterns of the Utku in the context of their daily life....