Resultaten (9)
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Praktijkgids infographics ontwerpen
Infographics voor beginners
2021 || Paperback || Jos van den Broek || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Infographics of informatieve illustraties maken een steeds belangrijker deel uit van de beeldtaal waarmee iedereen in de samenleving dag in dag uit wordt geconfronteerd. Er zijn talloze boeken geschreven over de esthetiek van dit visuele medium, maar een goed praktijkboek over do’s & don’t’s ontbreekt. Dat wreekt zich in de productie van veel visueel materiaal dat ver onder de maat blijft.
‘Goed ontworpen beeldmateriaal is een maatschappelijke noodzaak’, is het adagium van de auteur...
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An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research / Druk 2
2nd Revised Edition
2022 || Paperback || Machiel Keestra e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
We are increasingly realizing that, as a result of technological developments and globalization, problems are becoming so complex that they can only be solved through cooperation between scientists from different disciplines. Healthcare, climate change, food security, globalization, and quality of life are just a few examples of issues that require scientists to work across disciplines. In many cases, extra-academic stakeholders must be involved in order to arrive at robust solutions. Young a...
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Designing Interdisciplinary Education, A Practical Handbook for University Teachers
a practical handbook for university teachers
2017 || Paperback || Linda de Greef e.a. || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Interdisciplinary education has been identified by many educational organisations in Europe and the United States as important for what lies ahead, and it has become a buzzword in some debates about educating for the future. Now, more than ever, higher education is challenged to educate students to see beyond the limits of their own discipline and to come up with innovative integrated solutions for our global challenges. But how do you define interdisciplinarity? How do you measure whether a ...
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Interdisciplinary Learning Activities
2018 || Paperback || Hannah Edelbroek e.a. || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
As the complex societal and technological challenges of the 21st century cannot be addressed by solutions from just one field of expertise, academics are increasingly expected to cross the disciplinary boundaries. Interdisciplinary Learning Activities contains concrete suggestions in the form of examples of learning activities that university teachers can use to teach and foster interdisciplinary skills in graduate and undergraduate students. These skills for interdisciplinary understanding i...
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Academic Skills for Interdisciplinary Studies
revised Edition
2019 || Paperback || Koen van der Gaast e.a. || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
What's a theoretical framework for? How do you effectively present your data in a figure? What's the secret to a good presentation?
As an interdisciplinary student, you delve into theories and research methods from a whole range of disciplines. Academic skills are the tools that you can use to take in, develop, integrate and question knowledge. This guide provides specific instructions, tips and examples to help students develop these skills, both during and after their studies.
As academic e...
Meaningful Assessment in Interdisciplinary Education
A Practical Handbook for University Teachers
2021 || Paperback || Ilja Boor e.a. || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Today’s university lecturers are faced with the challenge of educating students to see beyond the limits of their own discipline and to come up with innovative solutions to societal challenges. Many lecturers would like to put more emphasis on teaching students how to integrate diverse forms of knowledge, work together in teams, critically reflect and become self-regulated learners. These lecturers are breaking down the silos of scientific disciplines as well as the barriers between academi...
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Survivalgids voor autistische studenten
Overleef je studietijd (en geniet van de reis)
2021 || Paperback || Kinge Siljee || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Studeren is op zichzelf al lastig, maar wat nu als je autistisch bent? Als het onderwijs is ontworpen voor mensen die neurologisch heel anders in elkaar steken dan jij?
Dit boek is een praktische handleiding voor alle autistische studenten die hun studietijd willen overleven en ervaringen willen opdoen, resultaten willen halen en plezier willen hebben. Deze survivalgids is een compleet handboek van élk aspect van het studentzijn: van studeren, tot wonen, van communiceren tot gelukkig zijn.
Companion to Qualitative Analysis
Theory and Practice of Thick Analysis
2025 || Paperback || Jeanine Evers || Amsterdam University Press
Qualitative analysis resembles a puzzle; you are confronted with a heap of data and you find yourself wondering: what should I do next? Ideally, you have already started the analysis before the amount of data becomes overwhelming. However, realistically, qualitative research inevitably generates a large amount of data that requires thorough organization, interpretation, combination and manipulation.
A Companion to Qualitative Analysis introduces the concept of Thick analysis, a triangulation ...
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Chapters on Interdisciplinary Research and Research Skills
2020 || Paperback || Koen van der Gaast e.a. || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
This book is a special edition, compiled for to the MSc Course Research Methodologies as taught at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology. It is a compilation of useful chapters from several sources on how to structure, set up, carry out and write up your (thesis) research to aid you in writing your research plan. Next to that it acts as a companion during your thesis research. After introducing you to the philosophy of scientific research, subsequent chapters ...