
Nederlands (3)
2017 (2)

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Groene magie (Heruitgave)

2021 || Paperback || Scott Cunningham || Altamira || met inkijkexemplaar

Groene magie beschrijft de folklore en magische eigenschappen van meer dan vierhonderd planten. Het boek behandelt niet zozeer de moeilijk verkrijgbare, esoterische plantensoorten als wel veel oude bekenden: uien,

cashewnoten, appels, rijst en sla, maar ook dille, basilicum, venkel, knoflook en peterselie. Van elke plant worden de populairste volksnaam, de Latijnse benaming, andere veelgebruikte namen, de aan de plant toegedichte krachten en de magische toepassingen beschreven. Een verklarend...

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Wegwijs in Wicca

2017 || Paperback || Scott Cunningham || Schors V.O.F., Uitgeverij

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Wicca Handboek

gids voor de individuele beoefenaar

2017 || Paperback || Scott Cunningham || Schors V.O.F., Uitgeverij

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City Rhythm

2018 || Paperback || Caroline Nevejan e.a. || Multi Actor Systems, Delft University of Technology

Rhythm is fundamental to life. Rhythm can be perceived in the movement of the sun, the moon and the stars. Rhythm makes our hearts tick and defines our breath, in and out. And even the smallest particle in a microbe is part of rhythmic movements. Rhythm in activities is important for culture, for religion, and for sports, schools and hospitals for example. Yet in social situations, social analyses and in social policymaking, rhythm is not considered as a space of analyses or a space of design.

City Rhythm explores the potential of using rhythm analyses in the physical world and related data domain for enhancing social safety in neighbourhoods in the Netherlands. Rhythm in the physical world happens both in space as well as in time. Rhythm in data can connect to location (instead of persons), thus circumventing the issue of privacy. However, because the data addresses specific times and places, nonetheless the data still addresses significant social issues...