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xAuteur: Niklas Engelhart
xNUR: Informatica & management|Exacte vakken en informatica HOGER ONDERWIJS
xUitgever: Van Haren Publishing
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met 5% korting 46,55
SIAM: Principles and Practices for Service Integration and Management
principles and practices for service integration and management
2015 || Paperback || Dave Armes e.a. || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
The increasing complexity of the IT value chain and the rise of multi-vendor supplier ecosystems has led to the rise of Service Integration and Management (SIAM) as a new approach.
Service Integration is the set of principles and practices, which facilitate that collaborative working relationships between service providers required to maximize the benefit of multi-sourcing. Service integration facilitates the linkage of services, the technology of which they are comprised and the delivery or...