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Serious Fun. Architecture & Games
2022 || Hardcover || Mélanie van der Hoorn || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Serious Fun is about architecture and urban design games that have been conceived and created by architects, urban designers, artists and game developers since the end of the twentieth century – from doll’s houses to construction games and city building games, from SimCity to Block by Block.
The games are looked at from both a game technical and an architectural-critical point of view. As much attention is paid to the games themselves (the way they look, their construction and rules) as t...
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Spots in Shots Narrating the Built Environment in Short Films
Narrating the Built Environment in Short Films
2018 || Hardcover || Mélanie van der Hoorn || nai010 uitgevers publishers
For English see below
Van Le Corbusier tot MVRDV en van Diller+Scofidio tot Peter Eisenman: ontwerpers loerden al vanaf het einde van de jaren ’20 naar film, benieuwd of dit medium de representatie en communicatie van architectuur en stedenbouw zou kunnen verbeteren.
De films in Spots in Shots laten ons de gebouwde omgeving op een verrassende en verrijkende manier ervaren. Hun makers vertellen via omwegen over architectuur. De verhalen gaan niet zozeer over de materie, constructie en bek...