Geen verdere filters gevondenResultaten (2)
Key Issues in Historical Theory
2015 || Paperback || Herman Paul || Taylor & Francis
Key Issues in Historical Theory is a fresh, clear and well-grounded introduction to this vibrant field of inquiry, incorporating many examples from novels, paintings, music, and political debates. The book expertly engages the reader in discussions of what history is, how people relate to the past and how they are formed by the past. Over 11 thematically-based chapters, Herman Paul discusses subjects such as:history, memory and traumahistorical experience and narrativemoral and political dime...
Virtues and Vices in the Nineteenth-Century Humanities
Explorations of a Discourse
2025 || Hardcover || Herman Paul || Amsterdam University Press
What do scholars do when they talk about virtues (impartiality, accuracy) or vices (dogmatism, prejudice)? Against the common view that such high-minded talk is largely irrelevant to actual scholarly practice, this volume proposes to treat it as a practice in its own right.
Drawing on case studies from the nineteenth-century humanities (with occasional forays into physics, chemistry, and medicine), Paul shows that notions of virtue and vice were an evaluative discourse used across the academi...