Geen verdere filters gevondenResultaten (2)
Entrepreneurship - International Student Edition
The Practice and Mindset
2022 || Paperback || Heidi M. Neck e.a. || SAGE
Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset catapults students beyond the classroom by helping them develop an entrepreneurial mindset so they can create opportunities and take action in uncertain environments.
Organizational Behavior
A Skill-Building Approach
2023 || Paperback || Christopher P. Neck e.a. || SAGE Publications
Organizational Behavior: A Skill-Building Approach, Third Edition examines how individual characteristics, group dynamics, and organizational factors affect performance, motivation, and job satisfaction, providing students with a holistic understanding of OB. Translating the latest research into practical applications and best practices, authors Christopher P. Neck, Jeffery D. Houghton, and Emma Murray unpack how managers can develop their managerial skills to unleash the potential of their e...