› Sociologie van beleids... (10)
› Sociologie algemeen (7)
› Beroepenvoorlichting (5)
» Toon alle opties (12)
› Verpleegkunde en zieke... (4)
› Onderwijs en opvoeding (3)
› Psychotherapie en ande... (3)
› Arbeidspsychologie (2)
› Cultuur- en mentalitei... (2)
› Functieleer (2)
› Laboratoriumtechniek (2)
› Organisatiepsychologie (2)
› Politieke geschiedenis... (2)
› Sociale geografie alge... (2)
› Wijsgerige en historis... (2)
Resultaten (63)
morgen verzonden
Hubristic Leadership
2019 || Hardcover || Sadler-Smith || SAGE
The 2008 financial crash, the war in Iraq and the Trump Administration are just some of the examples Eugene Sadler-Smith uses to bring hubristic leadership and all its pitfalls to life in this groundbreaking new text. Using critical analysis and reflective anecdotes, this book explores the characteristics and impacts of hubristic leadership and how these might be anticipated, mitigated and allayed.
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An International Perspective
2019 || Hardcover || Martin || SAGE
A comprehensive investigation of modern terrorism and the global terrorist environment, topics discussed include the Causes of Terrorism, the Role of the Media, Cyberterrorism, Religious Terrorism, and The Future of Terrorism.
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The SENCO Handbook
Leading Provision and Practice
2019 || Hardcover || Martin-Denham || SAGE
This handbook will give aspiring and practising SENCOs, teachers and Headteachers an in-depth knowledge and understanding of effective policy, provision and practice to meet the diverse needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities.
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Social Media in Social Work Practice
2019 || Hardcover || Westwood || SAGE
Aimed at both students and professionals, this book is packed with valuable insights relating to social media use as a social worker by providing the reader with clear hands-on information they confidently can put into practice. The book covers key areas such as working in organisations, service users, skills, professional values and ethics and knowledge. It also comes with an appendix of instructor notes to aid teaching.
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The Cultural Industries
2019 || Hardcover || Hesmondhalgh || SAGE
Bringing together a huge range of research, theory and key concepts, David Hesmondhalgh provides an accessible yet critical exploration of cultural production and consumption in the global media landscape. This new edition explores the effects of digitalisation on culture and analyses the influence of IT and tech companies like Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook on the cultural industries.
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Landers, R: Step-By-Step Introduction to Statistics for Busi
2019 || Hardcover || Landers || SAGE
morgen verzonden
Lawrence, T: To Z of Classroom Behaviour
2019 || Hardcover || Lawrence || SAGE
This book presents strategies and advice on how to deal with common issues in bite-size chunks that teachers can dip in and out of quickly and easily.Â
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Effective Leadership, Management and Supervision in Health and Social Care
2019 || Hardcover || Field || SAGE
morgen verzonden
Values-Based Leadership in Healthcare
Congruent Leadership Explored
2019 || Hardcover || Stanley || SAGE
David Stanley introduces the bold, new leadership theory of Congruent Leadership, presenting it through a series of corporate and clinical case studies and examples, which guide the reader through the possibilities for using their own values to inform best practice.
morgen verzonden
The Sage Handbook of International Migration
2019 || Hardcover || Inglis || SAGE
Provides an authoritative and informed analysis of key issues in international migration, including its crucial significance far beyond the more traditional questions of immigrant settlement and incorporation in particular countries.