Resultaten (18)
Organizational Behaviour / 3rd edition
2015 || Paperback || R French || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Organizational Behaviour, Third Edition, builds on the strengths and successes of the previous editions and has been fully updated to reflect changes in the world of work and the context of organizational behaviour within that world. The authors combine a managerial approach, focusing on practical, real-world applications, with a rigorous critical perspective that analyses the research behind the theories. The text addresses alternative theoretical perspectives, in parallel to the introductio...
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Trend-Driven Innovation / 1st edition
Beat Accelerating Customer Expectations
2015 || Paperback || Henry Mason e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd || met inkijkexemplaar
Trend-Driven InnovationBeat accelerating customer expectations. Every business leader, entrepreneur, innovator, and marketer wants to know where customers are headed. The problem? The received wisdom on how to find out is wrong.
In this startling new book, the team at TrendWatching share a powerful, counter-intuitive truth: to discover what people want next, stop looking at customers and start looking at businesses. That means learning how to draw powerful insights from the way leading brands...
Introduction to Computing Using Python / 2nd edition
An Application Development Focus
2015 || Paperback || Ljubomir Perkovic || John Wiley and Sons Ltd || ook als eBook
Perkovic's Introduction to Computing Using Python: An Application Development Focus, 2nd Edition is more than just an introduction to programming. It is an inclusive introduction to Computer Science that takes the pedagogical approach of "the right tool for the job at the right moment," and focuses on application development. The approach is hands-on and problem-oriented, with practice problems and solutions appearing throughout the text.
The text is imperative-first, but does not shy away fr...
Essential Statistics for the Pharmaceutical Sciences / 2nd edition
2015 || Paperback || Philip Rowe || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Essential Statistics for the Pharmaceutical Sciences is targeted at all those involved in research in pharmacology, pharmacy or other areas of pharmaceutical science; everybody from undergraduate project students to experienced researchers should find the material they need. This book will guide all those who are not specialist statisticians in using sound statistical principles throughout the whole journey of a research project - designing the work, selecting appropriate statistical methodol...
Total Facility Management / 4th edition
2015 || Paperback || Brian Atkin || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The importance of effective facility management in enabling organizations to function efficiently is widely recognized. The fourth edition of Total Facility Management offers a comprehensive treatment of what facility management means to owners, operators, tenants, facility managers and professional advisors, as well as containing advice on how facilities can be better managed from a number of perspectives. It consolidates current best practice, defines and develops emergent areas and offers ...
Origin of Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks
2015 || Paperback || Noel P. James e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This textbook provides an overview of the origin and preservation of carbonate sedimentary rocks. The focus is on limestones and dolostones and the sediments from which they are derived. The approach is general and universal and draws heavily on fundamental discoveries, arresting interpretations, and keystone syntheses that have been developed over the last five decades.
The book is designed as a teaching tool for upper level undergraduate classes, a fundamental reference for graduate and res...
Innovation and Entrepreneurship / 3rd edition
2015 || Paperback || John R. Bessant e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3rd Edition is an accessible text on innovation and entrepreneurship aimed specifically at undergraduate students studying business and management studies, but also those on engineering and science degrees with management courses. The text applies key theories and research on innovation and entrepreneurship and then reviews and synthesises those theories and research to apply them in a much broader and contemporary context, including the corporate and public se...
Philosophical Writing / 4th edition
An Introduction
2015 || Paperback || A.P. Martinich || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Philosophical Writing: An Introduction, 4th Edition, features numerous updates and revisions to A. P. Martinich’s best-selling text that instructs beginning philosophy students on how to craft a well-written philosophical essay.
Features an entirely new chapter on how to read a philosophical essay, new sections on quantification and modality, and rhetoric in philosophical writing, as well as more updated essay examplesIncludes many new essay examples and an accompanying website with further...
Principles of Veterinary Parasitology
2015 || Paperback || Dennis Jacobs e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Principles of Veterinary Parasitology Principles of Veterinary Parasitology is a student-friendly introduction to veterinary parasitology. Written primarily to meet the immediate needs of veterinary students, this textbook outlines the essential parasitological knowledge needed to underpin clinical practice. Conceptual relationships between parasitic organisms, their biology and the diseases they cause are clearly illustrated.
Help boxes and practical tips are included throughout alongside a ...
Storytelling with Data
A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals
2015 || Paperback || Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Don't simply show your data-tell a story with it! Storytelling with Data teaches you the fundamentals of data visualization and how to communicate effectively with data. You'll discover the power of storytelling and the way to make data a pivotal point in your story. The lessons in this illuminative text are grounded in theory, but made accessible through numerous real-world examples-ready for immediate application to your next graph or presentation.
Storytelling is not an inherent skill, esp...