Resultaten (21)

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met 5% korting 185,20

Environmental Procedural Rights in Africa

With Specific Reference to South Africa and Uganda

2020 || Hardcover || Peter Davis Mutesasira || Eleven international publishing

Environmental procedural rights, i.e. the right to access to information, public participation and access to justice, have become one of the means of fundamentally protecting the environment. Underfunding, inadequate financial resources, competition with other national priorities, corruption, poor implementation, limited manpower and human resources, poor coordination and cooperation among State agencies, fragmentation of laws and policies, are governmental challenges faced all over Africa, i...

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met 5% korting 129,15

Longer than Life

How the ICTY Strengthened the Rule of Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

2020 || Hardcover || Kei Hannah Brodersen || Eleven international publishing

The ICTY closed its doors in 2017. It had been set up in 1993 in order to prosecute crimes committed during the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s. Although its mandate was limited to that of a criminal court, the Tribunal aimed at strengthening the rule of law in the countries under its jurisdiction.

This book examines in what respect the ICTY had an impact on the Bosnian and Serbian criminal justice systems. It examines five areas where the footprint of the international tribunal is most tangible: ...

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met 5% korting 31,30

The Value of the Oath

2020 || Hardcover || Jonathan E. Soeharno || Eleven international publishing

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met 5% korting 80,70

Festschrift Resi Hacksteiner

A Voyage Through the Law of Inland Shipping

2020 || Hardcover || Frank Smeele e.a. || Eleven international publishing

De bijdragen in dit Festschrift behandelen diverse onderwerpen van het binnenvaartrecht. Aan de auteurs die aan deze feestbundel hebben meegewerkt werd gevraagd hun bijdrage aan te leveren in het Nederlands, Engels, Duits of Frans, alle vier talen die Resi beheerst. Voor u ligt het resultaat van hun arbeid. De redactie hoopt dat de lezer evenals de jubilaris deze met vrucht en met plezier zal consulteren, en is ervan overtuigd dat dit Festschrift een waardevolle bijdrage zal vormen aan de rec...

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met 5% korting 137,28

Freedom of Expression under the Cameroonian Constitution and International Law

A Critical Survey of Contemporary Challenges

2020 || Hardcover || Eric C. Muma || Eleven international publishing

This book examines the right to freedom of expression under the Cameroonian constitution and international law. It argues that the constitutional changes or reforms which have taken place in Cameroon since it gained independence, have resulted in the entrenchment of fundamental rights, including specific phrases in the preamble relating to freedom of expression. These phrases approximate to the standards provided for under international law on human rights. The book explains the extent to whi...

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met 5% korting 82,18

Media Framing of Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation

A Study of British, Dutch and Serbian Media

2020 || Hardcover || Elena Krsmanović || Eleven international publishing

This books critically explores media framing of human trafficking for sexual exploitation in UK, Dutch and Serbian media. It draws upon data from content analysis of online news reports and interviews with journalists and anti-trafficking professionals in order to further explore the framing of trafficking, its production and consequences. Through a combination of quantitative, qualitative and visual research methods, this book offers a comprehensive insight into the mediated representation o...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen
met 5% korting 90,73

Reflections on Democracy in the European Union

2020 || Hardcover || Afshin Ellian e.a. || Eleven international publishing

“This book is an enrichment for the standing debate about Europe and should be published and widely read and discussed.” – Boudewijn R.A. Bouckaert

Reflections on Democracy in de European Union, with a foreword by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, is a unique volume that offers an interdisciplinary approach on EU democracy, law and politics from economic, juridical and philosophical perspectives. It is divided in three parts and deals with EU’s contemporary challenges, its historical d...

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met 5% korting 107,30

International Air Transportation Association

Structure and Legitimacy of its Quasi International Regulatory Power

2020 || Hardcover || Lasantha Hettiariachchi || Eleven international publishing

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met 5% korting 146,78

Critical Essays on Human Rights Criticism

2020 || Hardcover || András Sajó e.a. || Eleven international publishing

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met 5% korting 115,85

Human Rights in the 21st Century

2020 || Hardcover || Tibor Várady e.a. || Eleven international publishing

This is a collection of papers that were initially presented at the international conference, which was organized from 9th to 10th November 2018 by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) and Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. The conference was organized on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Besides the introductory address, by Ben Ferencz, one of the prosecutors at the Nuremberg Trials, this volume gathers internationally renowned...