
Resultaten (10)

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2024 || Paperback || Gilberto QUINI || Bookmundo.pt

Superarando os obstáculos que a vida lhe impôs.

Ao desvelar os episódios vivenciados por Beija-Flor, somos levados a testemunhar não apenas suas proezas físicas na prática da Capoeira, mas também as batalhas emocionais e espirituais que moldaram sua jornada. Cada página revela a autenticidade e a força interior desse mestre, que não apenas sobreviveu aos desafios, mas emergiu deles mais forte e sábio.

Esta não é apenas uma história do passado; é uma narrativa que continua a des...

Vandaag besteld,
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Mastering DevOps

Processes, Tools, and Culture for Delivering High-Quality Software

2024 || Paperback || Frederico Frazão || Bookmundo.pt

A practical guide to Processes, Tools and Culture for Delivering High-Quality Software

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Application and Infrastructure Monitoring

Best Practices and Technical Insights for IT Professionals

2024 || Paperback || Miles Jenkins || Bookmundo.pt

"Application and Infrastructure Monitoring: Best Practices and Technical Insights for IT Professionals" is an essential resource crafted for IT professionals, system administrators, developers, and managers. This detailed guide merges technical theory with practical applications, providing readers with the tools to implement robust monitoring systems that enhance operational stability and performance. From the fundamentals of metrics, logs, and traces to advanced topics like security monitori...

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Arte da fotografia de rua

2024 || Paperback || Angelo Leite || Bookmundo.pt

Gostavas de capturar fotografias que além de transmitirem emoções, contam histórias traduzidas em verdadeiras obras de arte?

Numa jornada de capítulos que percorrem as técnicas mais simples aos segredos mais bem guardados da fotografia de rua, vais partir à descoberta de múltiplas ferramentas que vão permitir elevares as tuas habilidades fotográficas a outro nível e registares fotografias que nunca pensaste serem possíveis.

Aprender a usar a luz, a composição ou o meio urbano s...

Vandaag besteld,
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Beyond Servers

A Comprehensive Guide to Serverless Computing

2024 || Paperback || Jerome Knight || Bookmundo.pt || met inkijkexemplaar

"Beyond Servers: A Comprehensive Guide to Serverless Computing" is the essential resource for anyone looking to understand and implement serverless technology. Whether you’re a developer, IT professional, or business executive, this book offers detailed insights and practical advice across the spectrum of serverless computing.

The guide begins with an introduction to serverless computing, explaining its advantages over traditional server-based architecture and its fundamental principles. As...

Vandaag besteld,
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Tapeçaria de Existência


2024 || Paperback || Elsa Margarida Silva || Bookmundo.pt

"Tapeçaria de Existência" é uma obra de Poesia Portuguesa Contemporânea, que traz consigo um objetivo audacioso: extrair diferentes lições de vida de todos e cada um dos poemas que a compõem. Nas páginas deste livro, os versos cuidadosamente entrelaçados formam uma verdadeira tapeçaria da existência humana, oferecendo uma jornada de introspecção, provocação, reflexão e transformação. A leitura de "Tapeçarias de Existência" é um convite para explorar a complexidade da vida...

Vandaag besteld,
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Safeguarding the Digital Frontier

2024 || Paperback || Evan Jones || Bookmundo.pt || met inkijkexemplaar

Delve into the depths of cybersecurity. From ethical hacking and ransomware prevention to remote work security, readers will learn the essentials of safeguarding their digital space from constant danger. As such, this work would be a perfect fit for an IT professional or an expert trying to gain an edge in digital protection.

Vandaag besteld,
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DevOps Unleashed

Harnessing Automation, CI/CD, and Scalable Infrastructure

2024 || Paperback || Julian Sullivan || Bookmundo.pt || met inkijkexemplaar

A hands-on manual for managing Processes, Tools, and Culture to produce top-notch software

Vandaag besteld,
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Artificial Insights

Understanding the Dynamics of AI and Machine Learning

2024 || Paperback || Jerome Knight || Bookmundo.pt

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) stand out as two of the most influential and transformative forces. This comprehensive guide explores the application of AI and ML across key sectors such as healthcare, finance, retail, and automotive, providing a deep dive into how these technologies are revolutionizing practices, from enhancing medical diagnostics to driving autonomous vehicles and beyond.

The book not only explores practica...

Vandaag besteld,
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Automating Excellence

Advancing Software Development with GitHub Actions

2024 || Paperback || Julian Sullivan || Bookmundo.pt || met inkijkexemplaar

This book is meant to be an all-around guide geared towards demystifying and teaching how to utilize GitHub Actions in your projects. No matter your background, be it a singularity developer trying to automate routine schedules or a team leader striving to boost your team’s productivity and streamline your workflow, this book seeks to make you are knowledgeable. It covers everything, from creating your initial GitHub Action to forming intricate, multi-service workflows. To take this approac...