
Geneeskunde (8)
2019 (4)
2023 (4)
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Resultaten (13)

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics / 6th edition

2021 || Paperback || Tom Lissauer || Elsevier

This sixth edition of the acclaimed and award-winning 'Sunflower book' comprehensively covers the undergraduate curriculum in paediatrics and child health. Topics are made accessible with numerous colour images, diagrams and case studies, and revision is facilitated by key points and summary boxes. This has made the book a firm favourite of medical students as well as trainees approaching clinical speciality exams, both in the UK and internationally.

Highly illustrated with hundreds of colour...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Human Embryology and Developmental Biology / 6th edition

2019 || Paperback || Bruce M Carlson || Elsevier

Completely revised from cover to cover, Human Embryology and Developmental Biology, 6th Edition, helps you master complex concepts on every aspect of normal and abnormal human development. Dr. Bruce M.

Carlson provides authoritative, readable coverage of today's scientific knowledge in this fast-changing field, keeping you up to date with what you need to know for coursework, exams, and clinical practice. Features an extensive, full-color illustration program, with hundreds of superb clinical...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

Introduction to Econometrics / 4th Global Edition

2019 || Paperback || James Stock e.a. || Pearson

Learn more about modern Econometrics with this comprehensive introduction to the field, featuring engaging applications and bringing contemporary theories to life. Introduction to Econometrics, 4th Edition, Global Edition by Stock and Watson is the ultimate introductory guide that connects modern theory with motivating, engaging applications. The text ensures you get a solid grasp of this challenging subject's theoretical background, building on the philosophy that applications should drive t...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager / 2nd edition

2023 || Paperback || Carol T. (University of South Australia) Kulik e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager gives every manager, regardless of their functional role, access to cutting-edge research and evidence-based recommendations so they can approach their people management responsibilities with confidence. Day-to-day people management is increasingly the responsibility of front-line managers, not HR professionals. But managers are often poorly prepared for these responsibilities; they receive little training (and sometimes have little interest!) in HR.


Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine / 10th edition

2020 || Paperback || Adam Feather e.a. || Elsevier

Now in its tenth edition, Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine is fully updated and revised under a new team of editors. Featuring new chapters covering: o Diagnosis: the art of being a doctor - helping readers to develop a confident clinical method in interactions with patientso Elderly medicine, frailty and multimorbidityo Public healtho Surgeryo Evidence-based medicineo Sepsis and the treatment of bacterial infection o Haematological Oncologyo Venous thromboembolic diseaseo Hypertensiono Men'...

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

Quantitative Decision Making (Custom Erasmus)

2024 || Paperback || Pieter Van den Berg || Pearson

This custom product has been designed to help you succeed. It includes top-notch Pearson content written by renowned authors, plus amazing case studies and articles. Our team works hard with your school and professors to aid your studies. Get ahead now and give your education a boost!

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Psychological Science / 7th International Student Edition

2022 || Paperback || Elizabeth A. Phelps e.a. || WW Norton & Co

W. W. Norton is excited to announce that award-winning authors Elizabeth Phelps and Elliot Berkman will bring their ideas and energy to Psychological Science 7e.

Our authors are committed to encouraging students to learn and evaluate psychology through the lens of methods, replication and the open science era. Looking beyond the text, Liz and Elliot applied their experience with the introductory psychology course to all aspects of the teaching and learning tools, including InQuizitive's adapt...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas / 16th edition

2021 || Paperback || Anthony L. Mescher || McGraw-Hill

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. This user-friendly text and atlas combination is filled with clear explanations, art, and micrographs to elucidate key concepts and facilitate learning For more than four decades, this trusted classic has been considered the hands-down best overview of human tissue structure and function. Accessible yet com...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Medical Statistics at a Glance / 4th edition

2019 || Paperback || A Petrie || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Now in its fourth edition, Medical Statistics at a Glance is a concise and accessible introduction to this complex subject. It provides clear instruction on how to apply commonly used statistical procedures in an easy-to-read, comprehensive and relevant volume. This new edition continues to be the ideal introductory manual and reference guide to medical statistics, an invaluable companion for statistics lectures and a very useful revision aid.

This new edition of Medical Statistics at a Glance:

* Offers guidance on the practical application of statistical methods in conducting research and presenting resul...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

New Clinical Genetics / 4th edition

A guide to genomic medicine

2020 || Paperback || Andrew Read e.a. || Scion Publishing Ltd

New Clinical Genetics continues to offer the most innovative case-based approach to investigation, diagnosis, and management in genomic medicine. New Clinical Genetics is used worldwide as a textbook for medical students, but also as an essential guide to the field for genetic counselors, physician assistants, clinical and nurse geneticists, and students studying healthcare courses allied to medicine. Readers love the integrated case-based approach which ties the science to real-life clinical...