
Conrad Lashley (2)
2013 (2)

Resultaten (7)

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Sales management - English edition

2013 || Hardcover || Gerbrand Rustenburg e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

The first four editions of the Dutch edition of Sales Management have been received with great enthusiasm both in higher education and in industry. There seems to be a great need for a complete and practical textbook, tailored to the sales practice. The international edition of this popular book is now available, edited with a European perspective.

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Modern Hotel Operations Management

2016 || Hardcover || Tatifa Benhadda e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

The first edition of Modern Hotel Operations Management is a comprehensive and wide-ranging introduction in operational hotel management. The book merges notions from business administration, management and socially responsible entrepreneurship into a complete overview of this discipline.

Why Modern Hotel Operations Management?

* Complete and accessible standard reference work;

* connects different disciplines;

* comes with valuable online extra's.

Modern Hotel Oper...

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Water Atlas of the Netherlands

2013 || Hardcover || Redactie || Noordhoff

Met deze water atlas of the Netherlands maakt u een reis door de wereld van het water. Onderwerpen als watermanagement, landbouw en visserij, drinkwaterwinning en rivieren en zeeën komen voorbij in meer dan 300 kaarten en afbeeldingen.

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Organisational behaviour / Druk 2

2019 || Hardcover || Gert Alblas e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

-Inspiring introduction to organisational psychology;

-covers all new developments in digitization;

-contains a lot of instructional exercises.

Organisational behaviour is an inspiring introduction to organisational psychology. Renowned authors Gert Alblas and Ella Wijsman describe the behaviour of people in organisations and provide possible explanations. Students learn how to skilfully apply this knowledge in many different situations. Organisational behaviour is the English edition of Ged...

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Atlas of Amsterdam

|| Hardcover || Noordhoff

Atlas of Amsterdam

Een spectaculaire ontdekkingsreis

· Honderden kaarten, afbeeldingen en foto's

· Over de stad en haar bewoners, bestuur en onderwijs, pontjes en trams, oude en nieuwe geloven, het Leidseplein en de tuindorpen, het Concertgebouw en de dancescene

· Paginavullende infographics over o.a. het Museumplein, Artis, Centraal Station, Oude Kerk en de Zuidas

· Historische doorkijkjes: VOC, Stelling van Amsterdam, Amsterdamse School

· Inform...

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Marketing Fundamentals / Druk 4

2022 || Hardcover || Bronis Verhage e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

- Based on the popular Grondslagen van de Marketing;

- includes the latest digital marketing topics and trends;

- offers an European perspective, embedded in a global context.

Marketing Fundamentals is the English-language edition of Grondslagen van de marketing, the most influential Dutch book about marketing. Over de last 25 years it has inspired many students in the Netherlands and spiked their enthusiasm for marketing. This bestseller by Dr. Bronis Verhage – Professor of Marketing at Ge...

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Pocket Guide for Hospitality Managers

2018 || Hardcover || Conrad Lashley e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

- Practical approach, based on extensive research;

- teaches (future) managers to be 'reflective practitioners';

- combines key themes of hospitality management.

The Pocket Guide for Hospitality Managers (Conrad Lashley and Michael N. Chibili) is a practical guide that provides the skills and knowledge for current and future managers of the various types of units found within the hospitality industry. This guide is based on academic research and poses that managers need to be 'reflective prac...