Resultaten (44)

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Digital marketing fundamentals / Druk 2 (e-book)

From strategy to ROI

2021 || E-book via Bookshelf || Marjolein Visser e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

- First fully-fledged textbook on digital marketing that covers the entire marketing process;

- with contributions from more than 20 online marketing specialists;

- English edition of the Dutch standard issue Basisboek Online Marketing.

Digital Marketing Fundamentals is the first fully-fledged textbook on digital marketing that covers the entire marketing process. Both the scientific theory behind digital marketing as well as techniques and media are discussed. Digital Marketing Fundamentals ...

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Belastingrecht HBO editie 2023-2024 (e-book)

2023 || E-book via Bookshelf || M.E.H. Sterk e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

• Maakt de toekomstige fiscalist wegwijs in de belangrijkste belastingmiddelen;

• actueel en praktijkgericht;

• afwisselende opdrachten en casussen helpen om de theorie snel te doorgronden.

Belastingrecht HBO (editie 2023-2024) maakt eerstejaars hbo-studenten wegwijs in de fiscale wereld, aan de hand van aansprekende praktijksituaties. Zo gaat het op een toegankelijke wijze in op de aanslagbelastingen (de inkomstenbelasting en de vennootschapsbelasting) en de aan...

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Organisation & Management, An International Approach / Druk 4 (e-book)

A Practical Approach

2019 || E-book via Bookshelf || Jos Marcus e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

Handbook Organisation and

Management Handbook Organisation and Management

– A Practical Approach is an interactive and hands-on introduction to the fi eld. The theory behind management and organisation is accessibly explained by renowned authors Jos Marcus and Nick van Dam using many practical examples. The book comprises three sections:

– Environments and Organisations

– People and Organisations

– Structure and Organisations

This fully renewed edition has been expanded with six new c...

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Project Management / Druk 6 (e-book)

A practical Approach- English edition

2023 || E-book via Bookshelf || Grit Roel || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

Project Management, A practical Approach is de Engelstalige editie van Projectmanagement.

- Verbeterde structuur en aandacht voor actuele onderwerpen als Scrum;

- zeer praktijkgerichte aanpak;

- website met flitscolleges, spreadsheetmodellen en checklists.

Project Management laat studenten op een unieke en laagdrempelige manier kennismaken met projectmatig werken om projecten succesvol aan te pakken. Niet alleen in het bedrijfsleven, ook in het onderwijs worden ...

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Research.This is it! / Druk 3 (e-book)

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Dr. D.B Baarda || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

- Engelse gids voor praktijkgericht kwalitatief en kwantitatief onderzoek;

- behandelt de essentie van onderzoek in vier praktische stappen;

- met handige checklists voor het zelf opzetten en uitvoeren van onderzoek.

This is research! leert hbo-studenten in vier stappen onderzoek doen. Het boek behandelt kort en krachtig de theorie en de praktijk van onderzoek en bevat een schat aan onderzoeksvoorbeelden, direct toepasbaar bij projecten, stage- en afstudeeropdrachten. Bijzonder handig zijn de...

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Marketing Communication Strategy (e-book)

2015 || E-book via Bookshelf || Ko Floor e.a. || Noordhoff


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Project Management, A practical Approach-Eng ed / Druk 4 (e-book)

2015 || E-book via Bookshelf || Roel Grit || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

Projects have become increasingly important in all areas of professional life. As such, it is crucial that students and professionals be trained to understand project management and how to go about it.

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International HRM / Druk 1 (e-book)

2019 || E-book via Bookshelf || M. de Bot || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

- Is an accessible guide to HRM in an international context;

- gives a complete overview of the field;

- offers immediate application of knowledge through engaging case studies.

An increasing number of organizations operate within an international context. An organization can send employees abroad, hire employees from abroad or outsource tasks to foreign companies. These international activities bring new challenges, especially when it comes to human resource management.

With International HR...

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The Basics of financial management-answers and solutions (e-book)

2022 || E-book via Bookshelf || Wim Koetzier e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

- International edition of the popular Dutch textbook for Financial Management;

- Contains new sources of finance, such as business angel, crowdfunding and credit unions;

- Comes with lots of rich online materials for both students and teachers.

This is the additional answers book of 'Basics of Financial Management'.

'Basics of Financial Management' is the international edition of Basisboek Bedrijfseconomie.

A perfect introductory textbook for first year...

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Hospitality Experience / Druk 3 (e-book)

An Introduction to hospitality management

2022 || E-book via Bookshelf || Frans Melissen e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

- Provides a complete overview of the hospitality industry;

- includes an extensive chapter on intercultural hospitality experiences;

- offers interesting analysis as well as engaging real-world examples.

Hospitality Experience is an exciting introduction to hospitality management. Step-by-step it shows students how to create and manage unique hospitality experiences. The book provides clear answers to important questions regarding hospitality management, beginning with what it is and who the...