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Resultaten (132)
morgen verzonden
How to innovate and deal with resistance against new ideas
2022 || Paperback || Carmen Hutting || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
How to innovate and deal with resistance against new ideas
Ben je al die zwartkijkers die je nieuwe ideeën afwijzen of lachen om je innovatieve plannen zat?
Iedereen die zich bezighoudt met innovatie, onderzoek of het creëren van nieuwe ideeën kan je vertellen dat het overwinnen van weerstand een van de moeilijkste dingen is als je iets nieuws introduceert. Soms lijkt het schier onmogelijk om de zwartkijkers te overtuigen, en als je met argumenten komt wordt het alleen maar erger.
Het Nay-Sayers boek biedt een speelse en effectieve methode om met kritiek en weerstand van de zwartkijkers om te gaan. Je lee...
morgen verzonden
Let's make your dreams come true
Are you doing what makes you happy?
2022 || Paperback || Paul Emons || Mijnbestseller.nl
All you have to do is get started!
Forget everybody who says it's not possible. Forget the thought that you are useless. Or that you need to have a certain happiness before you can start making your dreams come true. You can make your dreams come true!
With advice from various successful entrepreneurs and people who are chasing or living their dream, you can also make your dreams come true. This book gives you information, practical examples and handy tools to get started yourself.
This bo...
morgen verzonden
Your words are the direction your life is going
2020 || Paperback || Cindy Mezas || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
Most people are seeking for ways to change their lives completely and this book addresses one of those ways: your words.
Are you aware of the power that is hidden in your words? Even if you are aware, still this book will give you even more insight.
The author Cindy Mezas herself used this master key and saw a huge change for good in her own life after having battled cancer and the damages done by chemotherapy plus radiation , years of domestic...
morgen verzonden
Technical riddles
A Collection of technical riddles with answers.
2021 || Paperback || Laurens Van Lieshout || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
Do you understand the construction of the horse cart? Can you explain why a tipple-top toy will tipple? Why don't we have a space elevator yet? And more.
The explanations of these riddles may seem complex at first sight, but they are simple when you use your creativity and lateral thinking. In this book, 'Technical riddles', a collection of technical riddles are explained in detail with many providing hyperlinks to resources for even more information related to the subject. Technical riddles ...
morgen verzonden
PTSD an invisible disease ...
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder made visible from the inside out
2022 || Paperback || Sophia Wilhelmina || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
PTSD is an invisible disease ...
That makes it incredibly difficult to live with PTSD.
In this booklet I explain, among other things, what PTSD is like for me.
I also give tips on what you can try in certain situations.
Both for those who have PTSD, but also for their environment.
With this booklet I hope to create more understanding for this incredibly difficult disease.
Hopefully it will help you both understand each other better.
I wrote this book because my mother was looking for a b...
morgen verzonden
Love and Light
insights from within
2021 || Paperback || Jan Daalmans || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
' Love and Light - insights from within' is a beautiful, really unique poetry book!
It contains many poems about: Love; Religion; Spirituality; Unity; Philosophy; Awareness; Nature; Energy, Frequency, Light and Information.
A lot of those are intuitive and sometimes even relate to meditation.
Most of the poems are 'a kind of messages', meant to stimulate the readers to search for 'Who They Really Are!'
They are invited to close their eyes and go inside into their Heart, The Center of Love.
morgen verzonden
Freedom is a monetary matter
The path towards a natural, responsible, and free society.
2024 || Paperback || Sander Luiten || Mijnbestseller.nl
“Freedom is a monetary matter” explores the social and economic consequences of monetary inflation in the current financial system and provides a comparison in various areas to a system based on sound money (money without inflation). The book has a strong foundation in world history and its major cycles. Rising prices, growing lines at the food bank, major corporations generating billions of dollars in revenues, an increasing threat of war; This book is written for people that want to fig...
morgen verzonden
The SNOBOL4 Programming Language
2024 || Paperback || Ralph Griswold || Mijnbestseller.nl
SNOBOL4 is an older programming language for the humanities. There are still several implementations for modern operating systems; for the public domain IBM OS/VS2 r3.8 (MVS) the Bell's Labs and SPITBOL370 implementations are available.
morgen verzonden
21 Ways to stop procrastinating : practical tips and techniques to overcome procrastination and achieve success
2024 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnbestseller.nl
Are you tired of constantly putting off important tasks and missing out on opportunities? Do you want to take control of your time and achieve your goals with ease? Look no further! Our comprehensive guide, "21 Ways to Stop Procrastinating," is here to transform your life and help you beat procrastination once and for all.
Understanding Procrastination: Delve into the psychology behind procrastination and gain valuable insights into why we procrastinate and how to overcome this detrimental ha...
morgen verzonden
Mastering the art of mindfulness
2024 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnbestseller.nl
Introducing "Mastering the Art of Mindfulness," the ultimate guide to achieving inner peace, enhancing focus, and savoring the present moment. In today's fast-paced world, we are often overwhelmed by distractions, stress, and the constant rush of everyday life. This book is your key to unlocking the transformative power of mindfulness, allowing you to reclaim control of your thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being.
Why practice mindfulness, you ask? The answer is simple: to fully experienc...