Resultaten (6)
Frame Innovation
Create New Thinking by Design
2015 || Hardcover || Sydney) Kees (University of Technology Dorst || MIT Press Ltd
How organizations can use practices developed by expert designers to solve today's open, complex, dynamic, and networked problems. When organizations apply old methods of problem-solving to new kinds of problems, they may accomplish only temporary fixes or some ineffectual tinkering around the edges. Today's problems are a new breed-open, complex, dynamic, and networked-and require a radically different response. In this book, Kees Dorst describes a new, innovation-centered approach to proble...
Introduction to Machine Learning
2020 || Hardcover || Ethem Alpaydin || MIT Press Ltd
A substantially revised fourth edition of a comprehensive textbook, including new coverage of recent advances in deep learning and neural networks.
Introduction to Urban Science
Evidence and Theory of Cities as Complex Systems
2021 || Hardcover || Luis M. A. Bettencourt || MIT Press Ltd
A novel, integrative approach to cities as complex adaptive systems, applicable to issues ranging from innovation to economic prosperity to settlement patterns.
Human beings around the world increasingly live in urban environments. In Introduction to Urban Science, Luis Bettencourt takes a novel, integrative approach to understanding cities as complex adaptive systems, claiming that they require us to frame the field of urban science in a way that goes beyond existing theory in such tradition...
The Cognitive Neurosciences
2020 || Hardcover || David Poeppel e.a. || MIT Press Ltd
The sixth edition of the foundational reference on cognitive neuroscience, with entirely new material that covers the latest research, experimental approaches, and measurement methodologies. Each edition of this classic reference has proved to be a benchmark in the developing field of cognitive neuroscience. The sixth edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences continues to chart new directions in the study of the biological underpinnings of complex cognition-the relationship between the structura...
Probabilistic Graphical Models
Principles and Techniques
2009 || Hardcover || Daphne Koller e.a. || MIT Press Ltd
A general framework for constructing and using probabilistic models of complex systems that would enable a computer to use available information for making decisions.
Financial Modeling
2022 || Hardcover || Simon Benninga e.a. || MIT Press Ltd
A substantially updated new edition of the essential text on financial modeling, with revised material, new data, and implementations shown in Excel, R, and Python.
Financial Modeling has become the gold-standard text in its field, an essential guide for students, researchers, and practitioners that provides the computational tools needed for modeling finance fundamentals. This fifth edition has been substantially updated but maintains the straightforward, hands-on approach, with an optimal m...