Resultaten (10)
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Danish Porcelain
Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl
2022 || Hardcover || Dr Elliot Todd || Exhibitions International
This 2-volume set is the first comprehensive critical review of the Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl factories from their beginnings to their eventual merger, and the history of Danish porcelain.
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Look Again: The Sea
2022 || Paperback || Philip Hoare || Exhibitions International
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Art du Nigéria Central - Central Nigeria Arts
2022 || Hardcover || Jan Strybol || Exhibitions International
In voorgaande studies wees Jan Strybol er op dat de beeldhouwkunst in Noord-Nigeria - in tegenstelling tot wat doorgaans aangenomen wordt - een grote bloei kende. Houtsculpturen trof men zowat overal aan, met uitzondering van een gedeelte van het Hoge Noorden. In deze studie onderzoekt de auteur vooreerst de sculpturale tradities van een aantal volkeren in Centraal-Nigeria, meer bepaald van het Jos-Plateau en van de vallei van de Midden-Benue tot aan het brongebied van de Taraba-rivier. Deze ...
Wood in Contemporary Architecture
2022 || Hardcover || The Images Publishing Group || Exhibitions International
This book offers a unique overview of wood as the main construction material for residential buildings worldwide, and introduces architects, interior designers, and builders to the diversity of contemporary timber architecture.
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With a Factor 8 to the Mobility System of the Future
2022 || Paperback || Cathy Macharis e.a. || Exhibitions International
De klimaatsverandering is er al. We zitten er middenin en kunnen ons niet doof houden voor de alarmbellen die steeds dwingender klinken. De impact van de ongebreidelde uitstoot van broeikasgassen is onomstotelijk bewezen en duidelijk meetbaar: de opwarming van de atmosfeer en oceanen, een wijziging van de frequentie en intensiteit van neerslag, een verandering in de stormactiviteit, een snellere verzuring van de oceanen… Er is geen tijd meer om de ogen te sluiten en het probleem weg te denk...
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Aline Bouvy
Cruising Bye
2022 || Paperback || Exhibitions International
Aline Bouvy's catalogue takes the form of loitering, in that it is as much about sexual vagrancy and police patrols as stray dogs and queer flirtations.
On the horizon of this poetic, transgressive deviation, we spy the utopia of a fluid sexuality which the visual artist assimilates less with pragmatic LGBT militancy than a permanent critique of the aesthetic and health codes which society uses to keep our bodies in check and contains its desires. Anticipating the end of mortifying inhibition...
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Collecting Impressionism
The Role of Collectors in Establishing and Spreading the Movement
2022 || Hardcover || Silvana Editoriale || Exhibitions International
This volume aims to re-examine and reassess the importance of Impressionist collectors in the political, social and economic contexts of their times through the contributions of 16 international specialists.
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The World's Most Expensive Watches
2023 || Hardcover || Ariel Adams || Exhibitions International
The second expanded and updated edition of a bestselling book that presents the world's most expensive watches.
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The Style of Time
Evolution of Wristwatch Design, 1900 to the Present
2022 || Hardcover || Mara Cappelletti || Exhibitions International
The book covers the details and technical wonders of 60 wristwatch models that went down in history for their innovation in shapes, materials, and production methods.
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Francis Picabia. Catalogue Raisonné Vol IV.
1940 – 1953
2022 || Hardcover || Exhibitions International
This publication, the fourth volume of an important catalogue raisonné of the work of Francis Picabia (1879-1953), includes paintings and selected drawings dating from 1940 into 1952.
During the war years, while still residing in the south of France, Picabia was primarily occupied by figural subjects - multi figure allegories, female nudes, and glamorous female "portraits" - painted in bold illusionistic relief. Notorious even in his lifetime, most of these works are now known to have adapte...