Resultaten (6)
morgen verzonden
Intermediate German Short Stories
Learn German Vocabulary and Phrases with Stories (B1/ B2)
2022 || Paperback || Verblix Press || Bookmundo Direct
Captivating Short Stories to Improve Your German Vocabulary and Reading Skills!
Intermediate German Short Stories - Learn German Vocabulary and Phrases with Stories is a collection of five short stories in German, written especially for intermediate learners of approximately A2, B1 and B2 levels on the Common European Framework of Reference.
-- No advanced grammar included --
Intermediate learners will be reassured to know that only grammatical structures studied at B1/B2 level are included i...
morgen verzonden
Tägliche und stündliche Zeitpläne mit 15-Minuten-Schritten 2-seitiger Monatskalender ("Geschenke für den Schönheitssalon")
2023 || Paperback || Susi Müller || Bookmundo Direct
Datierter Terminkalender für Friseure, Visagisten, Therapeuten, Bürotermine, Rezeptionisten und alle Arten von Unternehmen.
- Briefformat mit Sonntagsbeginn (8,5 x 11 Zoll)
- 12 Monate datierter Terminkalender (Januar 2023-Dezember 2023)
- Persönliche Infos
- 4 Kontaktseiten
- 4 Seiten für Website-Anmeldung
- Besondere Termine und Geburtstage
- 2023 Jahresübersicht
- Monatliche Kalenderansicht auf zwei Seiten mit Feiertagen und einem Abschnitt für Notizen
- Wöchentliche ...
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Makamlar: The Modal Scales of Turkish Art Music
An Introduction to the Turkish Makam
2023 || Paperback || Thomas Mikosch || Bookmundo Direct
TÜRK SANAT MÜZİĞİ - The Turkish art music, one of the greatest art musics in the world. Persians and Arabs both left deep traces in this music, which, despite its homophonic characteristic, indwells no harmony in the classical sense, has achieved an impressive harmonic richness and has, with the expansion of the Ottoman Empire in South-Eastern Europe and especially the Balkans, strongly influenced the music traditions of those countries (e.g., Bulgaria, Greece, a.s.o.).
This book contai...
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Agile @ HR
Implementation of agile methods and frameworks in Human Resources
2023 || Paperback || Thomas Pensel || Bookmundo Direct
Agile @ HR has the potential to revolutionize our profession and will help us co-create the future of work in HR. It also equips us with the capability to help our organizations transform and meet the challenges of a volatile, uncertain and complex business world.
We’ve learnt that the starting point is mindset and HR’s ability to define and articulate the value we deliver to our people. By embracing a test and learn approach, and incrementally develop solutions in partnership with our pe...
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God´s Glory and Beauty
Worshipping God with the Scriptures of the KJV-Bible
2022 || Paperback || Dietmar Reichenberger || Bookmundo Direct
Dietmar and Ann Reichenberger realized after some time of following Jesus Christ that praising, glorifying and worshipping God and being thankful in all things at all times (Psalm 34:1, Ephesians 5:20) is one of the most powerful keys God has given us. Praising, thanking, glorifying and worshipping God became part of their daily lives. With this, they overcame with Jesus again and again and also experienced mighty miracles. By worshipping God, we not only overcome the enemy, but at the same t...
morgen verzonden
Eastern Front – 500 Letters from War
The true Story of a German Soldier's incredible Journey in World War 2 – War Service, Captivity, then a Staggering Escape
2022 || Paperback || Dirk Chervatin || Bookmundo Direct
During the Second World War, Josef Chervatin was a German soldier in the 329th “Hammer” Infantry Division.
He was a man thrown into the hell of the Eastern Front and found himself at the mercy of the bombs that were going off everywhere around him.
He loved them dearly and always tried to be a supportive father and loving husband. Even from afar, he did his best to fill his role by writing letters. Over the years, Josef had written 500 le...