
2019 (3)
2023 (3)
2020 (2)
2022 (2)

Resultaten (14)

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Marketing: The fundamentals

2023 || Paperback || Sara Leroi-Werelds e.a. || Acco || met inkijkexemplaar

This comprehensive guide hones in on marketing’s pivotal role in creating value for customers and other stakeholders. It navigates through the stages of (1) marketing analysis, (2) strategy development, (3) implementation of the marketing strategy via the marketing mix, and (4) marketing evaluation using established key performance indicators.

The book serves as a valuable resource for students, marketers, and business leaders navigating the dynamic marketing landscape, providing guidance t...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 40,38

Living in the age of humans

Religion and spirituality in a world of science and technology

2022 || Paperback || Frederiek Depoortere || Acco || met inkijkexemplaar

Welcome to the Anthropocene, the epoch in which humankind emerged as a geological superpower that shapes the future of life on Earth. This Age of Humans gives a new urgency to age-old questions. Who are we? What is a human being? What is our place in the cosmos? What is our responsibility for the Earth’s ecosystem? What stories do we have to tell about ourselves now that we have arrived in the Anthropocene? This book takes you on an exciting quest to find out what it means to be human in a ...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

New Ways of Organizing

Alternatives to Bureaucracy

2020 || Paperback || Herman Kuipers e.a. || Acco

This book is about integral organizing. Organizations face major challenges in terms of innovation, customer

focus, flexibility, productivity, and finding and retaining talent. Technical innovations in and of themselves can

only address such challenges to a limited extent. Attention to culture and behaviour, in and of itself, also has its

limitations. Social innovation relates to the integral development and renewal of the organisation. Many organizations,

however, are based on persistent bur...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 45,27

A History of Urbanism in Europe

2022 || Paperback || Sergio M. Figueiredo e.a. || Acco || met inkijkexemplaar

A sound understanding of how our built environment came about constitutes a core competence in any architectural training and professional experience. The history of urbanism on the European continent, in particular, constitutes a fundamental basis for thinking about the city today.

This textbook offers a synthetic, chronological and illustrated overview of the essential ideas, protagonists and paradigms that dominated the theory and practice of urbanism on the European continent from Antiq...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Lifeblood of trust for real relationship

listen to hear ... find your voice ... risk your truth

2019 || Paperback || Barbara R. Krasner aka Budir e.a. || Acco

I was an “ordinary” housewife, tending our home and newborn son. My husband, David, was a dentist in the Air Force, learning to salute. Our son lightened our lives, watching him take his fi rst steps, seeing him grow. Fast-forward ten years: a house of our own, fi ve children and two dogs. I felt my world shrinking even as it seemed to be expanding. I “ran away from home” to see what else was out there. Fair housing and civil rights movements were born…and I began to hatch.


Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 29,83

Academic Spoken English

2023 || Paperback || An Laffut e.a. || Acco

In an internationalised academic environment, lecturers and researchers increasingly need to use English to give lectures and presentations, to participate in seminars and conferences and to coach international students.Academic Spoken English offers help in the following areas:

- adapting a written text for a spoken register

- expanding spoken academic vocabulary

- using discourse markers, which structure the presentation for the audience

- improving delivery (pace, clarity, interaction with the...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Regression and Analysis of Variance

2022 || Paperback || Peter Goos e.a. || Acco

This book provides an in-depth overview of simple and multiple linear regression analysis, one-way and multi-way analysis of variance, and logistic regression. It offers a combination of theoretical and mathematical depth, clear and detailed explanations of concepts, as well as a variety of examples. Each example is explained in detail and accompanied by step-by-step instructions and screenshots. Throughout the book, the accessible, interactive statistical software package JMP is used for dat...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

How to manage your career as a PhD

100 tips and tricks to prepare for your next step

|| Paperback || Lucia Smit || Acco

Nine out of ten PhDs continue their career outside academia

‘Towards the end of my PhD I was often asked what would be my next step. I was a 100 % focused on finalizing my project. At the same time I needed to think about my future. Leaving academia implied starting a new professional life. I felt stressed and didn’t know where to start. I asked myself if I was ready to give up my academic dream yet.’

Jonathan, 29 years

Managing your career after getting your PhD is often a struggle. Th...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 35,10

The Busy Brain Book

Coping skills for the easily overloaded mind. A workbook for children and adults.

2019 || Paperback || Linde Kraijenhoff || Acco || met inkijkexemplaar

busy brain already has a lot on its mind and doesn’t find it easy to add any more. With an overloaded

mind it’s hard to think straight or pay attention. You find yourself getting tired and angry easily, which

stops you explaining clearly what you want to say. As a result working or playing together becomes

more difficult. Some minds are naturally like this and fill up quickly. This book refers to them as “easily

overloaded minds”.

The book is intended, and especially written for child...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

An extra language

A handbook for systemic work with figures

2023 || Paperback || Ady van Doornik || Acco

As a therapist, you can create an overview and new insights for your clients with the metholology of An Extra Language. It is also a powerful tool to give direction to your questions during the therapy process.

An Extra Language focuses on visualizing the internal and external reality of the client. By working with Duplo figures, the client’s problem is depicted and the inner dialogue is made visible and stimulated. This gives the client a better overview and makes it easier to give direct...