Resultaten (56)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Civilization: A New History of the Western World

A New History of the Western World

2008 || Paperback || Roger Osborne || Vintage Publishing

Ever since the attacks of 11th September, western leaders have described a world engaged in 'a fight for civilization'. But what do we mean by civilization? We believe in a western tradition of openness and freedom that has produced a good life for many millions of people and a culture of enormous depth and creative power. But the history of our civilisation is also filled with unspeakable brutality - for every Leonardo there is a Mussolini, for every Beethoven symphony a concentration camp, ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Religions in the Modern World / 3rd edition

Traditions and Transformations

2016 || Paperback || Linda MBE Woodhead e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Religions in the Modern World: Traditions and Transformations, Third Edition is the ideal textbook for those coming to the study of religion for the first time, as well as for those who wish to keep up-to-date with the latest perspectives in the field. This third edition contains new and upgraded pedagogic features, including chapter summaries, key terms and definitions, and questions for reflection and discussion. The first part of the book considers the history and modern practices of the m...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Queer in Europe

Contemporary Case Studies

2020 || Paperback || Robert Gillett || Taylor & Francis

Queer in Europe takes stock of the intellectual and social status and treatment of queer in the New Europe of the twenty-first century, addressing the ways in which the Anglo-American term and concept 'queer' is adapted in different national contexts, where it takes on subtly different overtones, determined by local political specificities and intellectual traditions. Bringing together contributions by carefully chosen experts, this book explores key aspects of queer in a range of European na...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Le nouveau taxi!

Livre de l'eleve 2 + audio et video online

2023 || Paperback || Robert Menand || Hachette

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
Bestel Nouvelle edition: Cahier d'exercices debutant (A1-A2)

2020 || Paperback || Jean-Luc Penfornis || CLE International

3e editie van het cachier van Franç activiteiten, methode van Frans als vreemde taal (FLE) op het gebied van Frans op specifieke doelstelling (FOS) voor volwassenen en volwassenen, niveaus A1 / A2.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 47,03

Nederlands in actie / Druk 4

Methode Nederlands voor hoogopgeleideanderstaligen

2022 || Paperback || Berna de Boer e.a. || Coutinho || ook als eBook

Nederlands in actie vormt samen met Nederlands in gang, Nederlands op niveau en Nederlands naar perfectie de succesvolle communicatieve NT2-leerlijn die naar ERK-niveau C1 leidt. Het accent ligt op het taalgebruik in het dagelijks leven van hoogopgeleide studerende of werkende anderstaligen. Kenmerkend voor deze leerlijn is de heldere opbouw, de aansprekende onderwerpen, de afwisseling in opdrachten en de activerende werkvormen.

Wat is er veranderd in deze nieuwe herziene druk?

- Meer hoofdst...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 41,71

Aula Internacional 1 alumno Plus Premium edición Talenland

Leergang spaans

2020 || Paperback || Jaime Corpas e.a. || Uitgeverij Talenland B.V.

Nueva edición de Aula internacional: un manual compacto (Libro del alumno, Cuaderno de ejercicios y resumen gramatical en un mismo volumen) actualizado gracias a la revisión de usuarios de todo el mundo

Conserva sus rasgos distintivos: uso intuitivo; propuestas efectivas y motivadoras, y un grafismo atractivo

Se amplía la sección Explorar y reflexionar, con nuevas actividades de observación de la lengua

Se amplían la sección Practicas y comunicar y la sección Más ejercicios, con ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

International Organizations Perspectives on Global Governance

Perspectives on Global Governance

2018 || Paperback || Kelly-Kate S. Pease || Taylor & Francis

Drawing on mainstream and critical theoretical approaches, International Organizations offers a comprehensive examination of international organizations' political and structural role in world politics. This text details the types and activities of international organizations and provides students with the conceptual tools needed to evaluate their effectiveness. Surveying key issue areas from international and human security to trade and the environment, International Organizations looks at p...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Academic Writing Skills for International Students

2020 || Paperback || Siew Hean || Bloomsbury Publishing

This engaging guide will equip students who are non-native speakers of English with the tools and confidence to respond effectively and appropriately to written assignments at university.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Research Design

Why Thinking About Design Matters

2023 || Paperback || Julianne Cheek e.a. || SAGE

"Designing research is about making decisions to transform an idea into a plan that can provide answers to a research problem or question. Thinking about, and then making these decisions results in the research design – the plan that will be followed to conduct the research and answer the question. This text engages in a dialogue with the reader, providing a serious but accessible introduction to research design, for use as a guide when designing your own research or when reading the resear...