Resultaten (7)
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Coolen Basic Attack System Examination Requirements Part 1
5e kyu – 1e kyu
2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
Ju-jitsu is not a sport, but a way of life. When you come to train in my ju-jitsu school you start an education, no obligation to do sports and learn tricks but a thorough training of your physical and mental resilience. You can train to a certain level or practice ju-jitsu as a life path, even into your old age.
In this book you will find a description of the complete Coolen Basic Attack System, level 5e kyu until 1e kyu.
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2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
The Dan exam requirements are worked out in a clear and orderly manner. Practice has shown that there are uncertainties about the established examination requirements. As a result, I have decided to work out in detail the entire Dan exam requirements for the different Dan degrees. This document should therefore ensure that candidates can better prepare for a Dan exam, and also that the examination of the exams will become less complex.
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2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
In het CBT-System worden verdere noodzakelijke vaardigheden, drills, kata’s en kapstokken behandeld, uitgelegd en gedemonstreerd om een complete ju-jitsuka te worden.
Indien een meerwaarde voor een onderdeel is er een QR-code opgenomen, die na het scannen, het filmpje van het betreffende kata c.q. drill laat zien.
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Seishinkai Ju-jitsu International
2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
This document should therefore ensure that candidates can better prepare fort the Kime-no-Kata (5th Dan)exam, and also that the examination of this exam will become less complex.
We explain first the general elements of the Kime-no-Kata. Second the requirements of evaluation. Third the definition of mistakes. Mistakes are divided in: Forgotten technique / Major mistake; Big mistake; Medium mistake; Small mistake.
There will be a list of evaluation criteria when there will be a mistake in the ...
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Seishinkai Ju-jitsu International
2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
This document should therefore ensure that candidates can better prepare for the Goshin-Jitsu-no-Kata (4th & 5th Dan) exam, and also that the examination of this exam will become less complex.
We explain first the general elements of the Goshin-Jitsu-no-Kata. Second the requirements of evaluation. Third the definition of mistakes. Mistakes are divided in: Forgotten technique / Major mistake; Big mistake; Medium mistake; Small mistake.
There will be a list of evaluation criteria when there wil...
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Handleiding Ju-Jitsu leraar opleiding
2022 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
Het boek is een must voor al diegene die ju-jitsu gestructureerd, verantwoord en veilig willen doceren.
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Katas & Combinations & Drills
2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
Ju-jitsu is not a sport, but a way of life. When you come to train in my ju-jitsu school you start an education, no obligation to do sports and learn tricks, tricks and tricks but a thorough training of your physical and mental resilience. You can train to a certain level or practice ju-jitsu as a life path, even into your old age.
The Coolen Basic Training System is a follow-up to the Coolen Basic Attack System in which the responsible basis is laid for a development to the 1st Kyu (brown be...