Resultaten (3)
morgen verzonden
Tussen tekst en lezer II
een historische inleiding in de bijbelse hermeneutiek
|| Paperback || Arie Zwiep || VU University Press
Arie Zwiep
Tussen tekst en lezer. Een historische inleiding in de bijbelse hermeneutiek. Deel II: Van moderniteit naar postmoderniteit
574 pgs
VU University Press
De bijbel is weer helemaal terug in het publieke domein, getuige allerlei discussies in de media over schepping en evolutie, over religie en geweld, over vrijheid van godsdienst en vrijheid van meningsuiting. De vraag hoe de bijbel in dergelijke debatten geïnterpreteerd moet worden - kun je van de bijbel maar alles maken wat je w...
morgen verzonden
My Soul Doth Magnify
The Appropriation of Anglican Choral Evensong in the Netherlands
2020 || Paperback || Hanna Rijken || VU University Press
There is a popular practice of Anglican choral evensong in the Netherlands outside the context of the Anglican Church. Dutch choirs perform the Anglican ‘daily prayer’ liturgy: with preces and responses, psalms, canticles, hymns and an anthem, as well as lessons and spoken prayers. Choral evensong attracts many people: believers (of all denominations), ex-believers and non-believers. This paradox, the popularity of choral evensong in a so-called secularized country such as the Netherlands...
morgen verzonden
Amsterdam Studies in Theology and Religion (AmSTaR). Evangelicals and Sources of Authority
2016 || Paperback || Miranda Klaver e.a. || VU University Press
What are the sources of authority for evangelical Christians in their debates and practices? Evangelicals often refer to the Bible, but it is not their sole source. Practical results are also important, as are personal feelings and experiences. In this volume, fourteen researchers examine the sources of authority to which evangelicals appeal. It was assumed that evangelicals accepted a certain balance between the authority of the Bible, tradition, experiences and rationality. In the past two ...