Resultaten (47)
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The SAGE Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment
2015 || Hardcover || Edgell || SAGE
With original contributions by leading specialists from around the world, this is a cutting edge exploration of a major social science sub-discipline.
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Michael, M: Actor-Network Theory
2017 || Hardcover || Michael || SAGE
Michael explains how the theory of ANT can be applied across a range of fields to provide readers with an engaging and critical overview
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Social Scientific Research
2018 || Hardcover || Brancati || SAGE
An engaging, practical introduction to research methods, guiding students through the challenges of developing a project, with abundant examples, activities and digital resources.
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Qualitative Data Analysis
From Start to Finish
2018 || Hardcover || Harding || SAGE
Helping to bridge the gap between data gathering and data analysis, this book is based on a set of easy-to-follow steps woven throughout the text, enabling students to get stuck in and working with qualitative data fast.
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Scriptum management De vijfde discipline
de kunst & praktijk van de lerende organisatie
|| Hardcover || P.M. Senge || Scriptum
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Misogyny Online
A Short (and Brutish) History
2016 || Hardcover || Jane || SAGE
A powerful and witty exploration of gendered cyberhate, this book combines scholarly literature, online evidence and personal experiences to expose the reality of the harassment faced by women online today
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Doing & Writing Qualitative Research
2016 || Hardcover || Holliday || SAGE
With a strong focus on using less traditional forms of data, the Third Edition provides a new perspective on issues such as the role of the researcher and the impact they have on data, and also considers the impact of social, cultural and political complexities across a range of disciplines.
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Methodologies for Practice Research
2018 || Hardcover || Costley || SAGE
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Williams, M: SAGE Handbook of Innovation in Social Research
2011 || Hardcover || Williams || SAGE
Now available in paperback: This book brings together the most innovative contemporary ideas in method and methodology from global experts
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Het speelveld, de spelregels en de spelers
handboek sociologie
2017 || Hardcover || Vranken Jan e.a. || Acco
Het speelveld, de spelregels en de spelers? is de zesde editie van dit handboek, dat al 22 jaar de centrale concepten en leerstukken uit de sociologie, met toepassingen op de samenleving en haar componenten, toelicht in een toegankelijke taal en vorm. Het boek plaatst de grote maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen in hun context en stelt de lezer in staat om de drijvende krachten in de samenleving beter te begrijpen. Tegelijk helpt het de lezer om inzicht te krijgen in de eigen positie in de samenl...