Resultaten (22)
Crime and Networks
2013 || Paperback || Carlo Morselli || Taylor & Francis
This innovative collection of original essays showcases the use of social networks in the analysis and understanding of various forms of crime. More than any other past research endeavor, the seventeen chapters in this book apply to criminology the many conceptual and methodological options from social network analysis. Crime and Networks is the only book of its kind that looks at the use of networks in understanding crime, and can be used for advanced undergraduate and beginner’s grad...
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Theoretical Sociology
A Concise Introduction to Twelve Sociological Theories
2013 || Paperback || Turner || SAGE
A brief, yet in-depth examination of twelve major sociological theories.
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Methods for Policy Research
Taking Socially Responsible Action
2013 || Paperback || Majchrzak || SAGE
Looking at the analysis of policies with a view to changing them, this book is written by an expert on policy research and shows ways of presenting alternatives to policy-makers
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Enhancing Communication & Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Research
2013 || Paperback || O'Rourke || SAGE
A volume of previously unpublished, state-of-the-art chapters on interdisciplinary communication and collaboration written by leading figures and promising junior scholars in the world of interdisciplinary research, education, and administration.
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How to Critique Journal Articles in the Social Sciences
2013 || Paperback || Harris || SAGE
This book encourages students to adopt a particular mindset towards journal articles., a mindset that recognizes the many strengths of social research-especially its advantages over ordinary ways of knowing things.
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Social Network Analysis and Education
Theory, Methods & Applications
2013 || Paperback || Carolan || SAGE
Provides an introduction to the major theories, methods and findings of social network analysis research and the applications from that research.
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Using Propensity Scores in Quasi-Experimental Designs
2013 || Paperback || Holmes || SAGE
Unlike other publications, this is a book on using propensity scores without using matrix or vector algebra.
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Achieving Impact in Research
2013 || Paperback || Denicolo || SAGE
This exciting new text helps researchers to successfully understand and achieve impact in their research, and to demonstrate this impact in order to secure funding and to show excellence in REF
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An Introduction to Exponential Random Graph Modeling
2013 || Paperback || Harris || SAGE
Explaining the techniques and applications of exponential random graph modeling (ERGM) for social scientists, this is a uniquely sophisticated volume for examining social systems.
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De familieziel
hoe je geschiedenis je kan helpen op je levenspad
2022 || Paperback || Kitlyn Tjin A Djie e.a. || Bert Bakker
In de jaren zeventig keerden Nederlanders hun familie de rug toe, omdat we bevrijd wilden worden van knellende banden en dwingende waarden. Tegenwoordig is er echter weer volop aandacht voor families. Families dragen immers wijsheid in zich die kan helpen op je levenspad, en bij je familie en haar geschiedenis kun je steun vinden in moeilijke omstandigheden en in tijden van kwetsbaarheid.Maar hoe mobiliseer je deze familiewijsheid? Cruciaal is dat je inzicht krijgt in de manier waarop je fami...