
Andrew Heywood (2)
Paperback (13)
Hardcover (3)
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Haagse Hogeschool (HHS... (2)

Resultaten (16)

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met 5% korting 56,95

An Experts' Guide to International Protocol (Heruitgave)

Best Practice in Diplomatic and Corporate Relations

2021 || Hardcover || Gilbert Monod de Froideville e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

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met 5% korting 172,90

American Public Policy

Promise and Performance

2021 || Paperback || Peters || SAGE

American Public Policy provides a comprehensive overview of the policy-making process from procedural approaches and policy instruments to in-depth analysis of specific policy issues. The Twelfth Edition covers new topics such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the rising costs of health care, and the rollback of environmental regulations under the Trump administration.

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met 5% korting 16,10

How to Stop Fascism

History, Ideology, Resistance

2021 || Hardcover || Paul Mason || Veltman Distributie Import Books

The far right is on the rise across the world. From Modi's India to Bolsonaro's Brazil and Erdogan's Turkey, fascism is not a horror that we have left in the past; it is a recurring nightmare that is happening again - and we need to find a better way to fight it.

In The Truth Is Not Enough, Paul Mason offers a radical, hopeful blueprint for resisting and defeating the new far right. The book is both a chilling portrait of contemporary fascism, and a compelling history of the fascist phenomeno...

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The 13 Satanic Bloodlines / Druk 10

Paving the Road to Hell

2021 || Paperback || Robin de Ruiter || Mayra Publications

The first edition of this book was banned in France. This four-volume book is different from other books on the topic. It was written long before others started championing the need for the masses to wake up to the New World Order agenda.

The first edition did not claim to be into futurism. However, a retrospective view of the events of the last twenty-five years shows that practically all topics mentioned in the book have come to fruition, often in an awesome manner.

Like the first edition,...

Levertijd: 14 werkdagen

Global Climate Governance

2021 || Paperback || David Coen e.a. || Cambridge University Press

This Element takes stock of the current state of the global climate change regime, illuminating scope for policymaking and mobilizing collective action through networked governance at all scales, from the sub-national to the highest global level of political assembly.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Research Methods in Public Administration and Public Management / 2nd edition

An Introduction

2021 || Paperback || Sandra van Thiel || Taylor & Francis

Research in Public Administration and Public Management has distinctive features that influence the choices and application of research methods. The standard methodologies for researching from the social sciences can be difficult to follow in the complex world of the public sector. In a dynamic political context, the focus lies on solving societal problems whilst also using methodological principles to do scientifically sound research.

The second edition of Research Methods in Public Administ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Short Guide to Community Development / 2nd Edition

2021 || Paperback || Alison Gilchrist e.a. || Bristol University Press

Fully updated to reflect changes in policy, practice, economics and culture, the third edition of this well-respected guide offers an invaluable, authoritative and concise introduction to community development.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Public Policy Process

2021 || Paperback || Michael Hill e.a. || Taylor & Francis

The Public Policy Process is essential reading for anyone trying to understand the process by which public policy is made. Explaining clearly the importance of the relationship between theoretical and practical aspects of policymaking, the book gives a thorough overview of the people and organisations involved in the process. Fully revised and updated for an eighth edition, The Public Policy Process provides: Clear exploration, using many illustrations, of how policy is made and implemented; ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Introduction to Urban Science

Evidence and Theory of Cities as Complex Systems

2021 || Hardcover || Luis M. A. Bettencourt || MIT Press Ltd

A novel, integrative approach to cities as complex adaptive systems, applicable to issues ranging from innovation to economic prosperity to settlement patterns.

Human beings around the world increasingly live in urban environments. In Introduction to Urban Science, Luis Bettencourt takes a novel, integrative approach to understanding cities as complex adaptive systems, claiming that they require us to frame the field of urban science in a way that goes beyond existing theory in such tradition...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations

2021 || Paperback || Andrew Heywood || Bloomsbury Publishing

This accessible guide to the major concepts in politics has now been revised and expanded to include over 60 international relations terms to take account of the increasing influence of globalization upon politics. Each concept is defined clearly and fully, and its significance for political understanding is explored.