Resultaten (27)
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Essentials of Organizational Behavior - International Student Edition / Druk 3
2021 || Paperback || Scandura || SAGE
Bestselling author Terri A. Scandura uses an evidence-based approach to equip students with the necessary skills to become effective leaders and managers.
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The Power of Invisible Leadership
How a Compelling Common Purpose Inspires Exceptional Leadership
2013 || Paperback || Hickman || SAGE
Exploring the concept that leadership is not about leaders or even leaders and followers, but about a much more dynamic and nuanced process, this is a compelling and unique text examining leadership as a dynamic and nuanced process.
The Business of Tourism / Druk 12
2023 || Paperback || Holloway || SAGE
This text provides a clear introduction to the business of tourism as well as discussing the key issues facing the tourism industry such as Brexit, Covid-19 and sustainability.
Comm in Everyday Life / 4th edition
2020 || Paperback || Duck McMahan || SAGE
Communication in Everyday Life, Fourth Edition remains the only introductory communication book to explore fundamental concepts, theories, and skills aimed at helping readers apply the material to their personal and professional lives--with a thematic integration of the relational perspective and a focus on demonstrating its direct relevance to their own everyday communication. This book helps readers develop a strong foundation in communication concepts, theory, and research, as well as prac...
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Case Theory in Business and Management
Reinventing Case Study Research
2017 || Paperback || Gummesson || SAGE
Case Theory in Business and Management takes a fresh and expansive approach to case study research, viewing the topic through the lenses of real world complexity and introducing the 'case theory' concept, an expanded version of case study research which includes both methodology and the types of results that emerge.
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The SAGE Handbook of Social Work Research
2022 || Paperback || Ian Shaw e.a. || SAGE
A groundbreaking handbook which evaluates the role of social work research in the context of national and international societies
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Applied Statistics
2023 || Paperback || Timming || SAGE
Written for the non-mathematician and free of unexplained technical jargon, Applied Statistics: Business and Management Research provides a user-friendly introduction to the field of applied statistics and data analysis.
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Business and Professional Communication - International Student Edition
KEYS for Workplace Excellence
2019 || Paperback || Quintanilla Miller || SAGE
This fourth edition provides the knowledge and skills needed to empower students to handle important work-related activities, including job interviewing, working in teams, strategically utilizing visual aids and providing feedback to supervisors.
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Tourism Management / Druk 3
2023 || Paperback || Inkson || SAGE
This introductory text provides readers with a robust understanding of tourism and its industries, including how destinations are developed, marketed and managed, and how tourism impacts communities, environments and economies.
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Understanding Management Critically
2014 || Paperback || Dyer e.a. || SAGE
Explores all of the key issues in critical management studies, calling into question prevailing ideologies in management.