Resultaten (17)
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East Asia beyond the Archives
Missing Sources & Marginal Voices
2023 || Hardcover || Catherine Chan e.a. || Leiden University Press
For a long time, silk, tea, sinocentrism, and eurocentrism made up a big patch of East Asian history. Simultaneously deviating from and complicating these tags, this edited volume reconstructs narratives from the periphery and considers marginal voices located beyond official archives as the centre of East Asian history. The lives of the Japanese Buddhist monks, Eastern Han local governors, Confucian scholars, Chinese coolies, Shanghainese tailors, Macau joss-stick makers, Hong Kong locals, a...
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Bouwen aan de wilde kust II
Geschiedenis van de civiele infrastructuur van Suriname 1945-2020
2019 || Hardcover || Hillebrand Ehrenburg e.a. || LM Publishers
Het tweede deel van Bouwen aan de Wilde Kust beschrijft de ontwikkeling van de civiele infrastructuur van Suriname vanaf 1945. Het gaat over de aanleg van landbouwpolders, over waterkrachtprojecten, de ontsluiting van het binnenland, het West-Suriname plan, de drinkwatervoorziening en ontwatering van Groot-Paramaribo, de wegen, bruggen, dijken, havens en vliegvelden. En ten slotte over de civiele bouwsector en hoe die zich in de afgelopen 75 jaar ontwikkelde.
Net als deel I over de periode va...
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China and the Barbarians
Resisting the Western World Order
2017 || Hardcover || Henk Schulte Nordholt || Leiden Publications
Since time immemorial China regarded its culture and statecraft superior to other nations, but in the ‘Age of Humiliation’ (1839-1949), it was reduced to a semi-colony. The old empire has now regained its strength, but what drives its domestic and foreign policy?
China calls itself a ‘Socialist’ country, but the appellation of philosopher Tu Weiming is more adequate: A battlefield of Socialism, Liberalism and Confucianism.
The outcome of this struggle will have profound repercussion...
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Energie, emigratie en ecologie
(On)zin van wereldgeschiedenis
2024 || Hardcover || Robrecht Declercq e.a. || Ertsberg
Wereldgeschiedenis is geen ver-van-ons-bed-show. Evenmin is het de geschiedenis van één homogene wereld. Om de wereld vandaag te begrijpen is wereldgeschiedenis van cruciaal belang. Maar wereldgeschiedenis zelf is relatief jong. Toen de discipline in de jaren 90 ten tonele verscheen, was het vooral een manier om toenemende globalisering in die periode te begrijpen. Ze wou een antwoord bieden op westerse of eurocentrische navelstaarderij, een frisse blik die tot ver buiten de schaduw van de ...
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The United States and South Asia from the Age of Empire to Decolonization
A History of Entanglements
2022 || Hardcover || Harald Fischer-Tiné e.a. || Leiden University Press
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Ottoman History / druk 1
misperceptions and truths
2012 || Hardcover || Ahmed Akgunduz e.a. || Multilibris, Uitgeverij
This book was first published in Turkish under the title Bilinmeyen Osmanli, co-authored by Prof. Dr. Said Öztürk, and 250,000 copies were printed. I answered 290 questions whereas Öztürk answered 13 in total. He collaborated regarding source details and references as well as tirelessly proofreading and editing the book. In addition, this book was later translated into Arabic; the first edition was published by Osmanli Arastirmalari Vakfi (OSAV), Istanbul, and the second will be published...
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A History of Photography in Indonesia
From the Colonial Era to the Digital Age
2022 || Hardcover || Brian Arnold || Amsterdam University Press
As a former colonized nation, Indonesia has a unique place in the history of photography. 'A History of Photography in Indonesia: From the Colonial Era to the Digital Age' looks at the development of photography from the beginning and traces its uses in Indonesia from its invention to the present day. The Dutch colonial government first brought the medium to the East Indies in the 1840s and immediately recognized its potential in serving the colonial apparatus. As the country grew and changed...
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The Lives of Cold War Afro-Asianism
2022 || Hardcover || Carolien Stolte e.a. || Leiden University Press
The Afro-Asianism of the early Cold War has long remained buried under the narrative of Bandung, homogenising and subverting the different visions of post-colonial worldmaking that co-existed alongside the Bandung project. This book turns the lens on these other visions, and the transnational interactions which emerged from various other gatherings of the 1950s and 1960s that existed beyond the realm of high diplomacy, while blurring the lines between state and non-state projects. It examines...
Een geschiedenis van Zuidoost-Azië
2016 || Hardcover || Henk Schulte Nordholt || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Zuidoost-Azië is op het eerste gezicht een regio vol diversiteit. Elf grote en kleine natiestaten, een veelheid aan religies, talen en culturen, en belangrijke geografische en ecologische verschillen lijken dit te bevestigen. In deze eerste Nederlandstalige geschiedenis van dit gebied laat Henk Schulte Nordholt deze diversiteit tot haar recht komen, maar gaat hij ook op zoek naar wat de regio verbindt.
Anders dan India en China kende Zuidoost-Azië geen rigide hiërarchie en grote imperiale...
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South Asia Unbound
New International Histories of the Subcontinent
2023 || Hardcover || Bérénice Guyot-Réchard e.a. || Leiden University Press
Whose international matters, and why? How are geographic regions constructed? What are the channels of engagement between a place, its people, its institutions, and the world? How do we understand the non-West’s influence in contemporary global interactions? From humanitarianism and activism to diplomacy and institutional networks, South Asia has been a crucial place for the elaboration of international politics, even before the twentieth century. South Asia Unbound gathers an interdiscipli...