Resultaten (14)
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Agnew, J: SAGE Handbook of Geographical Knowledge
2011 || Hardcover || Agnew || SAGE
Broad in scope and edited by two massive names in geography, this is a critical exploration of how the field has emerged and fared over the course of its modern institutionalization.
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The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology
2022 || Hardcover || Kenneth J. Gregory e.a. || SAGE
A comprehensive and cutting edge Handbook, edited by two of the leading figures in physical geography and environmental science today. There is no other Handbook out there exploring this field.
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The Long Thaw
How Humans Are Changing the Next 100,000 Years of Earth’s Climate
2024 || Paperback || David Archer || Princeton University Press
The human impact on Earth's climate is often treated as a hundred-year issue lasting as far into the future as 2100, the year in which most climate projections cease. In The Long Thaw, David Archer, one of the world's leading climatologists, reveals the hard truth that these changes in climate will be "locked in," essentially forever. If you think
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The Basics of Geomorphology
Key Concepts
2014 || Hardcover || Gregory || SAGE
Two globally respected geomorphologists explain the basics of landform science in 20 concepts. An accessible and student focused companion to the field.
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Alles smelt
De wereld van het ijs in een veranderend klimaat
2021 || Paperback || Peter Kuipers Munneke e.a. || Uitgeverij Lias B.V. || met inkijkexemplaar
Weinig gebieden zijn zo magistraal als de ijskappen en gletsjers van de planeet aarde, weinig is zo spannend als het onderzoek ervan. Maar weinig gebieden zijn zo kwetsbaar ook. En de wereld van het ijs verandert razendsnel. In Alles smelt laten Peter Kuipers Munneke en Martijn van Calmthout zien dat het grote smelten inmiddels is begonnen en waar dat toe zal leiden. Niet alleen verdwijnen unieke landschappen vol eindeloze sneeuw en kilometers...
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The Basics of Geomorphology
Key Concepts
2014 || Paperback || Gregory || Sage Publications US public.
Two globally respected geomorphologists explain the basics of landform science in 20 concepts. An accessible and student focused companion to the field.
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Key Concepts in Historical Geography
2014 || Paperback || Morrissey || SAGE
Part of the Key Concepts in Human Geography series, this is an ideal companion text for students of historical geography. A broad and detailed book from team of leading geographers.
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The Economic Geography of the UK
2010 || Paperback || Coe || SAGE
The first textbook to look at economic geography with a UK focus. From two of the leading names in the field.
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Key Concepts in Historical Geography
2014 || Hardcover || Morrissey || SAGE
Part of the Key Concepts in Human Geography series, this is an ideal companion text for students of historical geography. A broad and detailed book from team of leading geographers.
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In de diepzee is geen licht (maar wel rijkdom)
Over moed, mangaanknollen, pompeiiwormen en een bewoonbare wereld
2023 || Paperback || Pieter Van Dooren || Sterck & De Vreese
Nu we voor onze hernieuwbare energie dringend behoefte hebben aan zeldzame metalen als nikkel, kobalt en neodymium worden de diepzee en haar mangaanknollen plots interessant. Maar de diepzee is zoveel meer. Ze ligt, om maar iets te noemen, mede aan de basis van ons voedselweb. Zonder haar had de klimaatopwarming ons nu al de kop gekost.
Dit boek schetst voor het eerst dat brede beeld. In een heldere, soepele taal neemt Pieter Van Dooren ons mee naar het ‘achtste continent’, het enige dat...