
Hardcover (2)
Paperback (2)

Resultaten (4)

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Bloodywood - Ghanian Filmposters from the Collection of Many Elsas

Ghanaian filmposters from the collection of Mandy Elsas

2016 || Hardcover || Armand Jacques Elsas e.a. || VintageVoodoo

This large book features an astonishing selection of Ghanaian hand-painted film posters from the collection of Mandy Elsas, a Dutch merchant dedicated to seeking out and preserving this disappearing facet of Ghana's art historical heritage. With reproductions of almost 200 posters, it also provides an in-depth look at everyday popular culture through short biographies of artists, writings by specialists in the field, and a foreword by Ablade Glover, perhaps today's most preeminent artist. The...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

The Advertising Concept Book / 3rd Edition

Think Now, Design Later

2022 || Hardcover || Pete Barry || Thames & Hudson Ltd

This is the third edition of the highly successful Advertising Concept Book. As well as substantially expanded chapters on interactive advertising and integrated advertising, an entirely new chapter on branded social media has been added. This new edition contains fifty specially drawn new illustrations of key campaigns.

It covers every aspect of the business, from how to write copy and learn the creative process to how agencies work and the different strategies used for all types of media. P...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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The Return of Curiosity / 1st edition

What Museums are Good for in the Twenty-First Century

2016 || Paperback || Nicholas Thomas || Reaktion Books

Over the last twenty years museums have proliferated, attracting new audiences and assuming new prominence in public life. The Return of Curiosity offers a fresh perspective on museums and what they may now be good for. Nicholas Thomas argues that what is special about museums are their collections, which are not just rich resources for reflection, but creative technologies that enable people to make new things in the present.Reflecting on art galleries, science and history institutions, and ...

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Representation of the past in public spheres

experiencing the past: the reconstruction and recreation of history at Colonial Williamsburg

2016 || Paperback || Martine Teunissen || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

This book presents a thorough investigation on how diverse elements of interest determine the representation of the past in an open air museum. In particular, a representation of 18th century America in Colonial Williamsburg is explored, with a special focus on their street theatre program “The Revolutionary City”. The author examines how the theatrical program is developed using historical themes and character interpretations to give the reader a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at reconstru...