
2023 (2)
Hardcover (5)

Resultaten (6)

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The dynamics of becoming Orthodox / druk 1

Dutch Jewish women returning to Judaism and how their mothers felt about it

2013 || Hardcover || Minny E. Mock-Degen || Stichting Amphora Books

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met 5% korting 49,39

Windows on Jewish Worlds

Essays in Honor of William Gross, Collector Extraordinaire

2019 || Hardcover || Shalom Sabar e.a. || Walburg Pers

This volume celebrates the collecting effort of perhaps the greatest of all contemporary collectors of Judaica, William Gross, of Tel Aviv. It appears on the occasion of his eightieth birthday and contains discussions of a variety of works from the Gross Family Collection, authored by friends and colleagues from the world of Jewish museums and Jewish studies. Items discussed include Hebrew manuscripts and printed works, Jewish ceremonial silver, textiles, amulets, medals and Kabbalistic texts...

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80plus Jews

2018 || Hardcover || Elsbeth Struijk van Bergen e.a. || Stichting Amphora Books

Leverbaar vanaf 31 maart
met 5% korting 29,40

Jews in the Netherlands

A Short History

2023 || Hardcover || Tirtsah Levie Bernfeld e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

Most people know little more than fragments of Dutch Jewish history: the Portuguese Jews of Amsterdam; Jewish socialism; the devastating years of the Second World War. So where is the storyline? What happened to the Jews in the Netherlands from the moment they first settled there permanently? This book answers that question. It presents the central points of 700 years of Jewish history in the Netherlands briefly and succinctly. One hundred elements of the story have been chosen that taken as ...

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EGODOCUMENTS in Dutch Jewish History

Emotions, Imaginations, Perceptions, Egos, Characteristics

2021 || Paperback || Dan Michman || Stichting Amphora Books

Wegens grote internationale belangstelling verschijnt dit academische document in het Engels.

‘Egodocuments’ is a term coined by the Dutch Jewish historian Jacques Presser in the 1950s. He defined them as ‘historical sourc- es in which the researcher is faced with an ‘I’... as the writing and describing subject with a continuous presence in the text’ and de- manded their integration into the ‘acceptable’, authoritative array of sources. Seventy years later, historiography in ...

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Life & Legacy

A window into Jewish heritage across the MENA region

2023 || Hardcover || Maxime Heijman e.a. || University of Groningen Press

Through stunning images, maps and insightful commentary, this book offers a glimpse into the diversity, historical legacy, and rich culture of Jewish communities within the Muslim world. From the growing Jewish community of Dubai to ancient synagogues and shrines, these photographs capture the beauty and complexity of Jewish life around North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Above all, this photographic book serves as a reminder of the enduring spirit of the Jewish people and the di...