Resultaten (9)

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met 5% korting 92,63

The Aircraft Commander in International Air Transportation: Legal Powers, Duties and Decision-Making

Legal Powers, Duties and Decision-Making

2023 || Hardcover || Dick van het Kaar || Boom juridisch

At the head of a small but comparatively isolated community, traversing airspaces with various jurisdictions, the aircraft commander must have a defined legal status relating to rights, powers and duties to cope with all issues in international air navigation. This leading personality is responsible for maintaining good order and discipline on board but above all must protect the safety of the aircraft and its occupants during the flight.

His or her rights and responsibilities are dealt with ...

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met 5% korting 106,35

Discrimination and the Foundation of Justice

Hate Speech, Affirmative Action, Institutional Opinions

2023 || Hardcover || E. Dijkstra || Eleven international publishing

Discrimination is still not sufficiently addressed within liberal democracies. Often only some groups are protected against discrimination and merely in certain situations. This leaves many who suffer because of discrimination without recourse. And that is only one of the dilemmas with group-based approaches to the protection against discrimination. So why are these approaches so common? And can we find a viable alternative?

In this new book, legal scholar Erwin Dijkstra answers these questio...

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met 5% korting 89,25

Crimmigration and the Return Directive

2023 || Hardcover || A. Pahladsingh || Eleven international publishing

The EU Return Directive lays down minimum standards and procedures concerning the return of third-country nationals (non-EU nationals) illegally residing in a member state. To actually effectuate their return, the Return Directive provides for several instruments, such as the return decision, the entry ban and the possibility of detention.

In this study, the author has researched the merger of criminal law with immigration law, known as the crimmigration phenomenon, in relation to the EU Retu...

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met 5% korting 280,25

Europees Internationaal Rivierenrecht | 2 Volumes / Druk 2

2de volledig herziene editie

2023 || Hardcover || Marc De Decker || Maklu, Uitgever

Dit boek behandelt in extenso alle juridische aspecten verbonden met het gebruik van binnenwateren voor scheepvaartdoeleinden, met name door binnenschepen. Zowel publiekrechtelijke als privaatrechtelijke vraagstukken komen daarbij aan de orde.“Het voorliggende werk is monumentaal, niet enkel in omvang maar vooral naar inhoud. Mij is geen andere wetenschappelijke bijdrage bekend die op een zodanig alomvattende wijze het rivierenrecht situeert en analyseert en er eveneens in slaagt om het op ...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 175,70

Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law 2022

2023 || Hardcover || Marcel Szabó e.a. || Eleven international publishing

The Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law comprises a collection of articles written mainly by Hungarian authors, covering developments in the field of international law and EU law, and progress in the domestic implementation and application of these fields of law. The thematic chapter of Vol. 10 (2022), entitled ‘Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project Case Judgment: 25 Years On’, focuses on one of the most important environmentrelated cases of the ICJ, and its impact on the dev...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law 2023

2023 || Hardcover || Marcel Szabó e.a. || Eleven international publishing

The Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law comprises a collection of articles written mainly by Hungarian authors, covering developments in the field of international law and EU law, and progress in the domestic implementation and application of these fields of law. The thematic chapter of Vol. 11 (2023) deals with the past, present, and future of Union citizenship, while the Anniversary section is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the International Law...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 106,35

Regulating Non-Existence

The Legal Conceptualisation of the Future Child in the Regulation of Reproduction

2023 || Hardcover || L. Ten Haaf || Eleven international publishing

Advances in reproductive biotechnology increase control over who is born and under what circumstances. Consequently, the question arises: what do we owe to the future children who are born with the help of these technologies? To address this question, we must understand how we should approach the future child. This conceptualisation is complicated by two factors: first, the future, unconceived child only exists as a legal construct. Second, protecting its interests often implies that the chil...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 146,78

Milde’s International Air Law and ICAO

2023 || Hardcover || Attila Sipos || Eleven international publishing

This is the fourth edition of the acclaimed volume of Milde’s International Air Law and ICAO, first published in 2008. It has now been fully revised by Dr. Attila Sipos, LL.M., to take the latest developments and events into account. Specialized legal literature dealing with different aspects of international air law is scarce, the developments often overtake the existing writings and there is a continuous need not only for updating but also for futureoriented thinking. There is a practical...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 104,03

Crossing Borders: Proving Your Personal Status

Interactions Between Private International Law and Human Rights Law

2023 || Hardcover || Sarah Den Haese || Eleven international publishing

The increasing mobility of people leads to the worldwide circulation of documents that record the personal status of people (e.g. birth, marriage, death). The recognition of these documents traditionally belongs to the field of private international law. This book first maps the private international law rules applicable in Belgium and the Netherlands (Chapter 1) and scrutinises whether and to what extent human rights law and EU principles can support people to obtain or prevent the recogniti...