Resultaten (6)
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New historical atlas of Amsterdam
2021 || Hardcover || Jaap Evert Abrahamse e.a. || Thoth, Uitgeverij || met inkijkexemplaar
This atlas presents the spatial development of Amsterdam through a series of historical and newly drawn maps, from the city’s humble beginnings to the present day, and in an international context. Comparisons are made between Amsterdam and cities like Venice, London, Paris, and Vienna.
Amsterdam originated around the year 1200 as a small port town at the mouth of the river Amstel. In the 16th century, the rapidly growing merchant town became the bustling centre of the province of Holland. A...
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Charles Booth’s London Poverty Maps
2024 || Hardcover || Mary S. Morgan e.a. || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.
This insightful, evocative, and sumptuous volume brings Charles Booth's landmark survey of late nineteenth-century London to a new audience.
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Atlas of Amsterdam
|| Hardcover || Noordhoff
Atlas of Amsterdam
Een spectaculaire ontdekkingsreis
· Honderden kaarten, afbeeldingen en foto's
· Over de stad en haar bewoners, bestuur en onderwijs, pontjes en trams, oude en nieuwe geloven, het Leidseplein en de tuindorpen, het Concertgebouw en de dancescene
· Paginavullende infographics over o.a. het Museumplein, Artis, Centraal Station, Oude Kerk en de Zuidas
· Historische doorkijkjes: VOC, Stelling van Amsterdam, Amsterdamse School
· Inform...
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Historical Atlas of Antwerp
Between Aspiration and Achievement
2022 || Hardcover || Ilja van Damme e.a. || Thoth, Uitgeverij
Antwerp is famous for becoming the northern hub of European trade around the turn of the sixteenth century. This international status went hand in hand with ambitious urban explansion plans, only some of which could be realized, and by around 1700 the city had contracted again inside its walls. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the port revived and industrialization brought renewed growth. New docks were built, the city centre was modernized, and the suburbs were integrated into the ...
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Times Desktop Atlas of the World / Druk 6
2024 || Hardcover || Times
An excellent world atlas for everyday use at home or work, representing broad coverage at a great price. Clear, authoritative Times atlas mapping fully updated.
Detailed maps in the distinctive and respected Times style provide balanced, systematic coverage of all parts of the world. Each continent is introduced by a political map showing individual countries, followed by regional maps showing towns and cities, roads, railways, international boundaries and topography.
Main features of this at...
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Times Reference Atlas of the World / Druk 10
2024 || Hardcover || Times
Tenth edition of this popular atlas from the prestigious and authoritative Times Atlas range. This world atlas contains the breadth, scale and detail to make it an ideal reference resource for school, home and business.
The atlas has been brought fully up-to-date to provide a detailed and attractive picture of the world today. The beautifully illustrated introductory section gives a detailed profile of today’s world and covers major contemporary geographical and global issues – such as mi...