Resultaten (15)

Vandaag besteld,
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Foundation Maths / 7th edition

2020 || Paperback || Anthony Croft e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Deepen and broaden subject knowledge to set yourself up for future success Foundation Maths 7th Edition by Croft and Davison has been written for students taking higher and further education courses who may not have specialised in mathematics on post-16 qualifications, and who require a working knowledge of mathematical and statistical tools. By providing careful and steady guidance in mathematical methods along with a wealth of practice exercises to improve your maths skills, Foundation Math...

Vandaag besteld,
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Slagen voor het toelatingsexamen van arts en tandarts

Theorie & oefeningen: fysica, wiskunde, chemie, biologie

2020 || Paperback || Mohamed Ayadim e.a. || Universitaire Pers Leuven

Droom je van een carrière als arts of tandarts? Dit zelfstudieboek biedt je de perfecte voorbereiding. Het behandelt alle relevante basisbegrippen uit de fysica, chemie, biologie en wiskunde die elke deelnemer aan het toelatingsexamen arts en tandarts moet beheersen. Aan het begin van elk hoofdstuk krijg je een korte herhaling van de verschillende sleutelbegrippen uit elk wetenschapsdomein. De bijhorende vragen met correctieve feedback worden aangevuld met oplossingsstrategieën en vormen zo...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Calculus / 9th edition

Early Transcendentals, Metric Edition

2020 || Paperback || James Michael Stewart || Cengage Learning

CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Metric, 9th Edition provides you with the strongest foundation for a STEM future. James Stewart's Calculus, Metric series is the top-seller in the world because of its problem-solving focus, mathematical precision and accuracy, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Selected and mentored by Stewart, coauthors Daniel Clegg and Saleem Watson continue his legacy, and their careful refinements retain Stewart's clarity of exposition and make the 9th Edition an ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Animal Languages

The secret conversations of the living world

2020 || Paperback || Eva Meijer || John Murray Press

'A rich compendium of incidents, anecdotes and studies illustrating the linguistic abilities of animals . . .

a rewarding book' Sunday TimesDolphins and parrots call each other by their names. Fork tailed drongos mimic the calls of other animals to scare them away and then steal their dinner. In the songs of many species of birds, and in skin patterns of squid, we find grammatical structures .

. . If you are lucky, you might meet an animal that wants to talk to you.

If you are even luckier, y...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Research Methods / 3rd edition

Concepts and Connections

2020 || Paperback || Michael Passer || Macmillan

With over two decades of classroom experience, Michael Passer knows how to guide students through the ins and outs of research methods. In this remarkable text, Passer's experience leads to chapters filled with clear explanations, resonant examples, and contemporary research from across the breadth of modern psychology, all while anticipating common questions and misunderstandings. The new edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest APA style guidelines, as well as the updated APA Co...

Vandaag besteld,
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80 Years of Aerospace Engineering Education in the Netherlands

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology

2021 || Paperback || Gillian Saunders-Smits e.a. || TU Delft Open

In 2020, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands celebrated its 80th birthday. This publication describes the history of the department since its founding in early 1940, just before the start of World War II in the Netherlands, until present day. The publication will highlight how its research and education developed within the socio-economic context of the Netherlands and the developments in aerospace over the past 80 years.

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met 5% korting 16,63

Wat iedereen zou moeten weten over klimaatverandering

2020 || Paperback || Bart Verheggen || Prometheus || met inkijkexemplaar

Over klimaatverandering doen de meest uiteenlopende verhalen de ronde. De ene krantenkop vraagt zich af: ‘Hoezo opwarming?’ terwijl elders valt te lezen: ‘De mensheid stevent af op een klimaatcatastrofe’. Geen wonder dat veel mensen in verwarring zijn en niet weten hoe de vork in de steel zit.

In het publieke debat lopen de meningen over klimaatverandering sterk uiteen, ook over feitelijke aspecten die wetenschappelijk gezien heel helder zijn. Zo weten we al sinds de negentiende eeuw ...

Vandaag besteld,
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De geknipte genen

Hoe CRISPR onze toekomst zal herschrijven en waarom iedereen dat moet weten

2020 || Paperback || Hetty Helsmoortel || Borgerhoff & Lamberigts

Het gebeurt niet elke dag, maar soms wordt er een ontdekking gedaan die de samenleving helemaal op zijn kop zet. Ooit was dat de beheersing van het vuur of het begin van de landbouw, recenter de auto of het internet. Vandaag is dat CRISPR, de uitvinding van de eeuw, alleen weet u dat nog niet. Tot nu.

Wat is CRISPR? Het korte antwoord: een revolutionaire techniek om aanpassingen uit te voeren in het DNA van eender welk organisme. Het langere antwoord wordt u in dit boek, gegeven door Hetty He...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Numerical Mathematics and Computing / 7th edition

2023 || Paperback || E. Cheney e.a. || Cengage Learning

Authors Ward Cheney and David Kincaid show students of science and engineering the potential computers have for solving numerical problems and give them ample opportunities to hone their skills in programming and problem solving. NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING, 7th Edition also helps students learn about errors that inevitably accompany scientific computations and arms them with methods for detecting, predicting, and controlling these errors.

Vandaag besteld,
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Science Communication

An Introduction

2020 || Paperback || Frans Van Dam e.a. || World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd

A concise, coherent and easily readable textbook about the field of science communication, connecting the practice of science communicators with theory. In the book, recent trends and shifts in the field resonate, such as the transition from telling about science to interacting with the public and the importance of science communication in health and environmental communication. The chapters have been written by experts in their disciplines, coming from philosophy of science and communication...