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Resultaten (9)
Making Sense of the Organization
2000 || Paperback || K Weick || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This volume brings together the best--known and most influential articles on sensemaking in organizations by one of its most distinguished exponents, Karl Weick. * Brings together the best most influential articles written by one of the gurus of sensemaking -- Karl Weick.
Operations Management / 7th edition
An Integrated Approach
2020 || Paperback || R. Dan Reid e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
As the business environment continues to rapidly change, Dan Reid and Nada Sanders have developed an integrated approach that makes the introductory OM course accessible and engaging for all business majors. Beyond providing a solid foundation, this text covers emerging topics like Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Data Analytics, and Sustainability and gives equal time to strategic and tactical decisions in both service and manufacturing organizations.
Supply Chain Management / 7th edition
Strategy, Planning, and Operation
2019 || Paperback || Sunil Chopra || Pearson || ook als eBook
For MBA, engineering master, or senior-level undergraduate courses in supply chain management. A strategic framework for understanding supply chain managementSupply Chain Management introduces high-level strategy and concepts while giving students the practical tools necessary to solve supply chain problems. Using a strategic framework, students are guided through all of the key drivers of supply chain performance, including facilities, inventory, transportation, information, sourcing, and pr...
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Operations Management / 10th edition
2022 || Paperback || Nigel Slack e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Operations may not run the world, but it makes the world run! To truly understand the way a business operates, you need to get your hands dirty -- that's how you get to appreciate what's actually happening within an organization. Looking inside for the answers is what Operations Management is all about. Learn from world-leading experts Nigel Slack, Alistair Brandon-Jones and Nicola Burgess and benefit from their wealth of experience helping improve businesses of all shapes and sizes.
Innovation Management and New Product Development / 7th edition
2020 || Paperback || Paul Trott || Pearson || ook als eBook
Explore key concepts of managing innovation and engage with latest developments in the field Innovation Management and New Product Development, 7th Edition, by Trott is an established textbook on innovation management, management of technology, new product development and entrepreneurship. It provides an evidence-based approach to managing innovation in a wide range of contexts, including manufacturing, services, small to large organisations and the private and public sectors. The book keeps ...
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Ondernemen met informatie / Druk 10
2022 || Paperback || Jan Snijders e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- Is afgestemd op beroepscompetenties, na elk hoofdstuk beheerst de student nieuwe (informatiekundige) vaardigheden;
- bevat aansprekende actuele praktijkvoorbeelden, nieuwsitems en focusartikelen;
- de digitale samenleving is door het hele boek heen gevlochten.
Ondernemen met informatie laat studenten in drie samenhangende delen kennismaken met de informatievoorziening in een onderneming. Het eerste deel van het boek bespreekt de essentie van de informatievoorziening en de bedrijfsprocessen ...
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Problem Solving in Organizations / 3th edition
A Methodological Handbook for Business and Management Students
2018 || Paperback || Joan van Aken e.a. || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
An indispensable guide enabling business and management students to develop their professional competences in real organizational settings, this new and fully updated edition of Problem Solving in Organizations equips the reader with the necessary toolkit to apply the theory to practical business problems. By encouraging the reader to use the theory and showing them how to do so in a fuzzy, ambiguous and politically charged, real-life organizational context, this book offers a concise introdu...
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Introduction to Materials Management / 8th edition
2016 || Paperback || Steve Chapman e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
For all courses in Materials Management, Production, Inventory Control, and Logistics taught in business and industrial technology departments of community colleges, four-year colleges, and universities. Understand all elements of production planning and control, and how they fit together with Introduction to Materials Management. Clearly written and exceptionally user-friendly, this text covers all the essentials of modern supply chain management, manufacturing planning and control systems, ...
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Inleiding administratieve organisatie / Druk 6
2017 || Paperback || Jan-Carel Bast e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Inleiding Administratieve Organisatie is een toegankelijk basisboek en verschaft je inzicht in de opzet, het verloop en de plaats van het administratieve proces binnen organisaties.
Waarom kiezen voor Inleiding administratieve organisatie?
* toegankelijke eerste kennismaking met het vakgebied;
* geeft je inzicht in de opzet en werking van de administratieve organisatie;
* met overzichtelijke schema's en herkenbare praktijkvoorbeelden.
Inleiding administratieve organisatie gaat eerst in op de fun...