Resultaten (35)
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Erfgoed en klimaat
2023 || Paperback || Thijs Weststeijn || Prometheus
Terwijl de houten palen onder Amsterdam beginnen te rotten, stijgt in Venetië de waterspiegel en overstromen in Pakistan de 4500 jaar oude ruïnes van Mohenjo Daro. Door inklinking van de Engelse veengrond bezwijkt de Muur van Hadrianus. Door de toename van zout ontploffen de bakstenen van het opgegraven Babylon. Smeltende permafrost in Siberië ondermijnt de eeuwenoude grafheuvels van de Scythische beschaving. In de VS hebben orkanen een deel van het erfgoed van New Orleans en Puerto Rico w...
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Nederland’s geestesmerk
2019 || Paperback || Johan Huizinga || Edition Fac Simile
Facsimile heruitgave naar de druk uit 1946. In Nederland's geestesmerk beschouwt historicus Johan Huizinga de Nederlandse identiteit; Huizinga kenschetst haar als vooral burgerlijk.
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Het DNA van Nederland
2017 || Paperback || Jan Renkema || Boom
Uit veel peilingen blijkt dat Nederland tot de gelukkigste landen ter wereld behoort. Hoe is het ons door de eeuwen heen gelukt om zo'n koppositie te verwerven? Zit er iets in het karakter van Hollanders, Groningers en Brabanders waardoor een klein land groot kan zijn? Wat zit er in ons DNA?
Begin in Nederland niet over identiteit. Dat doen alleen politici die een standpunt over asielzoekers moeten innemen. Ontken in Nederland niet de Nederlandse identiteit. Want dan brult de Nederlandse Leeuw...
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In Praise of Ambiguity
Erasmus, Huizinga and the Seriousness of Play
2018 || Paperback || Willem Otterspeer || Leiden Publications
"In Praise of Ambiguity" presents a discourse about the seriousness of play. Erasmus and Huizinga are its main characters, their books In Praise of Folly (1511) and Homo Ludens (1938) its main subject. It treats those books as contemporaries and asks what they still have to say to us. The main theme of both books is the contrast between two attitudes of life: the conviction that each subject has two or more sides as opposed to the certainty that there is always only one side to the matter. It...
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50 key terms in contemporary cultural theory
2017 || Paperback || Joost de Bloois e.a. || Pelckmans
Anthropocene, post-humanism, biopolitics ... These terms are often used first in an academic context before being used outside the academic world, once their usefulness has become known to the wider public. Whether in official policy documents, in catalogues of expositions or in applications for subsidies, these terms tend to show up regularly.
In this book, 50 terms that are important in contemporary cultural theory are explained by experts in the field. They clarify what the term means, how...
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Get a Better Grade: Seven Steps to Excellent Essays and Assignments
2023 || Paperback || Leicester || SAGE
A seven-step toolkit to help you produce winning essay and assignments, build your confidence and improve your grades.
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The Canceling of the American Mind (Heruitgave)
how Cancel Culture Undermines Trust, Destroys Institutions, and Threatens Us All
2024 || Paperback || Greg Lukianoff || Penguin
Why bother refuting your opponents, when you can just take away their platform or career?First Amendment rights lawyer Greg Lukianoff teams up with Rikki Schlott to show how a trend of intolerance on university campuses in America has spread to a wide range of workplaces and cultural spaces, which are giving up on a culture of free speech in favour of cancel culture. Drawing on original research and data, along with hundreds of new examples from publishing to psychotherapy, comedy, science an...
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Essay Writing: A Student's Guide
2023 || Paperback || Shields || SAGE
A well written, easy to navigate and comprehensive guide to how to develop core skills and to make the most of one's abilities in written work.
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De Aprilmoorden / druk 1
2012 || Paperback || Nizaar Makdoembaks || Elikser B.V. Uitgeverij
Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog deden Chinese arbeiders uit Rotterdamals stoker dienst op olietankers van de Curaçaosche ScheepvaartMaatschappij (Shell). Dat was een gevaarlijke klus, want de Duitsersnamen transportschepen regelmatig onder vuur. In april 1942 gingen dearbeiders in staking. Toen de staking grimmige vormen begon aan te nemen,schoten politie en bewakers van de olieraffinaderij vijftien Chinezenzonder pardon dood. Zij werden op begraafplaats Kolebra Bèrdè, ook welbekend als 'he...
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Intercultural Communication
an interdisciplinary approach: when neurons, genes, and evolution joined the discourse
2017 || Paperback || Mai Nguyen-Phuong-Mai || AUP || met inkijkexemplaar
This book is an introduction to Intercultural Communication (IC) that takes into account the much neglected dynamic paradigm of culture in the literature. It posits that culture is not static, context is the driving force for change, and individuals can develop a multicultural mind.
It is also the first IC textbook in the field that incorporates insight from evolutionary biology and the newly emerging discipline of cultural
neurosciences. Such an interdisciplinary approach provides readers wi...