
Hardcover (2)
Paperback (2)

Resultaten (4)

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 67,40

The Quest for Complex Policy

Exploring the Tensions between Simplification and Complexification in Public Policymaking

2022 || Hardcover || Hans Joosse || Eleven international publishing

Governments often present societal problems simpler than they are. In public policy, problems are bound, extracted from their context, and provided with one-dimensional solutions. As demonstrated in this book, ‘criminal youth groups’ must be imprisoned, and the municipal transport service must get passengers from A to B as quickly as possible. Because of these simplifi cations, policy becomes superfi cial, often with disappointing results.

This book searches for an alternative policy orie...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 51,78

Policy Analysis of Multi-Actor Systems / Druk 2

2022 || Paperback || Bert Enserink e.a. || Eleven international publishing

Policy Analysis of Multi-Actor Systems is an introduction into the art and craft of problem exploration and problem structuring. It positions policy analysis as a scientific discipline focused on systems analysis in a multiactor context to support better informed decision-making.

The approach presented in this book is considered to be the cornerstone of the curricula of the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Delft University of Technology and underlies the research on (the govern...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 79,75

'Walking the extra mile'

How governance networks attract International Organizations to Geneva, The Hague, Vienna, and Copenhagen (1995-2015)

2022 || Hardcover || Rosa Groen || Eleven international publishing

It is August 26, 2015. A crucial day during the Conference of State Parties in Cancún, Mexico. 67 of the 69 member states of the Arms Trade Treaty vote for a location of the new Secretariat. Three candidate host states and their cities are bidding: Austria (Vienna), Switzerland (Geneva), and Trinidad and Tobago (Port of Spain). In the first round, Port of Spain wins with 32 votes, Geneva gets 21, and Vienna drops out with 14 votes. The second round, Geneva gets 35, scooping up all of Viennaâ...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Design Thinking for Student Projects

2022 || Paperback || Tony Morgan e.a. || SAGE

Created with direct input from students and packed with advice and guidance from leading industry experts, this textbook walks readers through the steps necessary to deliver a team-based project, facilitating the development of key employability skills along the way.