Geen verdere filters gevondenResultaten (2)
Art and Artifice in Visual Culture
Eighteenth Century to the Present
2025 || Hardcover || Vasile-Ovidiu Prejmerean e.a. || Taylor & Francis Ltd
This edited volume explores the notion of “artifice” in modern visual culture, ranging from the eighteenth century to the present, in countries around the globe.
Artifice has been regarded as a primarily Western phenomenon, playing as it does a central role in European art theory since the Renaissance. This volume proposes that artifice is better understood as a transcultural artistic phenomenon and requires far broader conceptualization across international contexts. It acquaints readers...
Personalized Learning / 1st Edition
Approaches, Methods and Practices
2025 || Paperback || Simon Cheung e.a. || Taylor & Francis Ltd
This self-contained monograph reports the recent approaches, methods and practices of technology-enabled personalized learning. It serves to provide some useful references for researchers and practitioners in the field in conceptualizing and deploying personalized learning.