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› Archeologie (80)
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Resultaten (97)
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Landscape, Land-Change and Well-Being in the Lesser Antilles
Case Studies from the coastal villages of St. Kitts and the Kalinago Territory, Dominica
2018 || Paperback || Charlotte Eloise Stancioff || Sidestone Press Dissertations
In the Caribbean region, landscape change is part of the region's history. The Caribbean exemplifies man-made changes to landscape, beginning with Amerindians, continuing to the importation of exotic species through the colony area, extreme land degradation caused by sugar plantation, forced settlement of millions of enslaved Africans, diverse populations of indentured laborers, and continued mixing of cultures from globalized interactions today, such as tourism. This has led to not only inte...
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Imprint of Action
2018 || Paperback || Krijn Boom || Sidestone Press Dissertations
Cultural heritage, which includes archaeology, is recognized as serving an increasingly important role in European societal development. But what exactly is the relevance of archaeology to present day citizens? Imprint of Action investigates the sociocultural impact of archaeology through public activities. These activities provide an ideal setting for research, as they represent a structured point of encounter between the public and archaeological heritage; in analysing them, aspects of peop...
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From Golden Rock to Historic Gem
a Historical Archaeological Analysis of the Maritime Cultural Landscape of St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean
|| Paperback || Ruud Stelten || Sidestone Press Dissertations
St. Eustatius, a small island in the northeastern Lesser Antilles, was one of the busiest ports in the eighteenth-century Atlantic World. Contested between the Dutch, French, and English, the island attracted thousands of ships a year and became one of the most cosmopolitan places in the New World. Moreover, the island played an important role in the American War of Independence (1775-1783), during which large quantities of arms, ammunition, and gunpowder were shipped to the fledgling United ...
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Le verre de l'Europe celtique
Approches archéométriques, technologiques et sociales d'un artisanat du prestige au second âge du Fer
2021 || Hardcover || Joëlle Rolland || Sidestone Press Dissertations
Au cours des quatre derniers siècles av. n.è. les sociétés d’Europe continentale de la culture dite de La Tène développent leur propre artisanat du verre. Cette période de mutations économiques et sociales saisissantes, où les centres urbains et les réseaux d’habitats hiérarchisés se déploient, connaît également une intensification et une diversification des productions artisanales et agricoles. De l’agriculture à la métallurgie, l’étude des spécialisations artisana...
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2016 || Hardcover || Francine Brinkgreve || Sidestone Press Dissertations
This is the first study to examine in detail ritual objects known as 'Lamak', a fascinating and unique form of ephemeral material culture which is a prominent feature of Balinese creativity.A lamak is a long narrow ritual hanging that is an essential requirement at almost all rituals in Bali. It is hung from altars and shrines at temple festivals and on festive holy days. Made usually of palm leaves, it is by nature ephemeral and it is made time and again. Even though permanent forms of the l...
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Unter Hügeln (BAND 1)
Bronzezeitliche Transformationsprozesse in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel des Fundplatzes von Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Kr. Segeberg)
2023 || Paperback || Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida || Sidestone Press Dissertations
Mit der Bronzezeit verbreitete sich das begehrte neue Metall über ganz Europa. Es veränderte Arbeitssektoren, Netzwerke, Weltanschauungen und Gesellschaften und brachte unterschiedliche Transformationen in diversen Lebensbereichen mit sich. Mit diesem Buch werden alle Transformationsprozesse der Bronzezeit für den Raum Schleswig-Holstein in den Blick genommen.
In diesem Forschungsrahmen entwickelte sich die Fundstelle Mang de Bargen bei Bornhöved (Kreis Segeberg), einst Ziel von Kieswerke...
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Exploring human nature
2018 || Paperback || Jana Lemke || Sidestone Press Dissertations
Exploring human nature takes the reader deep into the human experience of being in nature. Our current ecological predicament highlights the need to change people's nature awareness and behaviour. This pioneering mixed methods study investigates a method to do this through facilitated Solo time in the wilderness. Solo time is an ancient, ritualised and pan-cultural practice of spending time alone in nature, that has been reintroduced into our current time and culture.The study focuses on the ...
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Una Isla, Dos Mundos
2018 || Paperback || Eduardo Herrera Malatesta || Sidestone Press Dissertations
Para las poblaciones indígenas la llegada de Colon al Caribe en 1492 significó una transformación y reestructuración de su mundo, incluyendo cambios a niveles culturales, sociales, económicos y políticos. En este trabajo se proponen modelos interpretativos sobre la transformación del paisaje indígena al colonial, a través de la aplicación de una investigación arqueológica regional que integró los conceptos de taskscape y paisajes en conflicto con análisis estadísticos y de Sist...
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From Golden Rock to Historic Gem
a Historical Archaeological Analysis of the Maritime Cultural Landscape of St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean
2019 || Hardcover || Ruud Stelten || Sidestone Press Dissertations
St. Eustatius, a small island in the northeastern Lesser Antilles, was one of the busiest ports in the eighteenth-century Atlantic World. Contested between the Dutch, French, and English, the island attracted thousands of ships a year and became one of the most cosmopolitan places in the New World. Moreover, the island played an important role in the American War of Independence (1775-1783), during which large quantities of arms, ammunition, and gunpowder were shipped to the fledgling United ...
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Goddesses of Akragas
A Study of Terracotta Votive Figurines from Sicily
2019 || Paperback || Gerrie van Rooijen || Sidestone Press Dissertations
The terracotta figurines from Akragas (Agrigento) with their chubby faces, splendid furniture, and rich adornments, depict a prosperous life in the late sixth and early fifth century BCE. The extensive jewellery on the figurines contains strikingly large fibulae appliques fastening pectoral chains with several sorts of pendants. They are modelled after existing items. The form of the jewellery items changed fast, influenced by different peoples and changing fashions, which can be compared wit...