Resultaten (4)
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Goddesses of Akragas
A Study of Terracotta Votive Figurines from Sicily
2019 || Paperback || Gerrie van Rooijen || Sidestone Press Dissertations
The terracotta figurines from Akragas (Agrigento) with their chubby faces, splendid furniture, and rich adornments, depict a prosperous life in the late sixth and early fifth century BCE. The extensive jewellery on the figurines contains strikingly large fibulae appliques fastening pectoral chains with several sorts of pendants. They are modelled after existing items. The form of the jewellery items changed fast, influenced by different peoples and changing fashions, which can be compared wit...
La Biographie d’un paysage
Etude sur les transformations de longue durée du paysage culturel de la région de Fort-Liberté, Haïti
2019 || Paperback || Joseph Sony Jean || Sidestone Press Dissertations
Cet ouvrage explore la transformation du paysage culturel de la région de Fort-Liberté sur le long terme. Il se base sur les traces de différents groupes sociaux façonnant le paysage culturel du lieu sur une longue période chronologique. Cette région renferme un patrimoine archéologique exceptionnel, sous la forme de vestiges amérindiens, de traces des premières villes coloniales espagnoles et d’habitations coloniales françaises. Habitée depuis environ l’an 3000 av. J.-C., cett...
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Embracing Bell Beaker
2019 || Paperback || Jos Kleijne || Sidestone Press Dissertations
This book deals with the question how communities across Europe during the later 3rd millennium BC adopt and transform the Bell Beaker phenomenon differently. By looking at these processes of change from the perspective of settlements and settlement material culture, an interpretation is given to the development of this phenomenon that is alternative to the currently prevailing migration models.Instead, the author uses social theories on the spread of innovations, the development and function...
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Heritage Education
Memories of the Past in the Present Caribbean Social Studies Curriculum: A View from Teacher Practice
2019 || Paperback || Eldris Con Aguilar || Sidestone Press Dissertations
This book compiles the results of a doctoral research study that sought to gain insight into how indigenous heritage is represented in the school curriculum for social studies. To this end, the questions focused on studying the relationships that are formed between individuals and the past in the school context. Taking into account teachers' perspectives on subject content and pedagogical practices can contribute to gaining a better understanding of the role of education in safeguarding herit...