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Mann's Introductory Statistics / 9th edition
2017 || Paperback || Prem S. Mann || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Mann's Introductory Statistics is written for a one or two semester first course in applied statistics and is intended for students who do not have a strong background in mathematics. The only prerequisite is knowledge of elementary algebra. Introductory Statistics is known for its realistic examples and exercises, clarity and brevity of presentation, and soundness of pedagogical approach.
MRI from Picture to Proton / 3rd Revised edition
2017 || Paperback || Donald W. McRobbie e.a. || Cambridge University Press
MR is a powerful modality. At its most advanced, it can be used not just to image anatomy and pathology, but to investigate organ function, to probe in vivo chemistry, and even to visualise the brain thinking. However, clinicians, technologists and scientists struggle with the study of the subject.
The result is sometimes an obscurity of understanding, or a dilution of scientific truth, resulting in misconceptions. This is why MRI from Picture to Proton has achieved its reputation for practic...
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Statistics / 5th edition
Informed Decisions Using Data
2017 || Paperback || Michael Sullivan || Pearson
For courses in introductory statistics. Statistics: Informed Decisions Using Data gives students the tools to see a bigger picture and make informed choices. As a current introductory statistics instructor, Mike Sullivan III presents a text that is filled with ideas and strategies that work in today's classroom.
His practical emphasis resonates with students and helps them see that statistics is connected, not only to individual concepts, but also with the world at large.