
Paperback (7)
E-book via Bookshelf (2)
2014 (3)
2017 (2)

Resultaten (9)

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Start.es - Spanish for beginners - deel 2

Spanish for beginners

2017 || Paperback || Cristina IrĂșn ChavarrĂ­a e.a. || Coutinho || ook als eBook

Na Chinees is Spaans de meest gesproken moedertaal ter wereld, en de vraag naar cursussen Spaans is al jaren groeiende. Veel cursisten hebben hierbij behoefte aan taalhandelingen die ze direct toe kunnen passen. De communicatieve methode Start.es voorziet hierin.

Start.es is een methode Spaans voor blended learning. Met Start.es 2 werkt de cursist van het reeds behaalde A1-niveau naar niveau A2 van het Europees Referentiekader (ERK), aan de hand van thema's als culturele verschillen, liefdesr...

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The Teachers' Handbook / 1st Edition

Secondary and vocational education

2018 || Paperback || Walter Geerts e.a. || Coutinho

How can you become a successful teacher? The Teachers' Handbook is an accessible reference work, based on the general knowledge that every beginning teacher should possess. It offers a host of practical tools and is an inspiration for current thesis topics. This publication provides a comprehensive bridge between theory and everyday classroom practice.

The Teachers' Handbook answers key questions for the student teacher, varying from 'How can I teach my students?' to 'How can I grow as a teac...

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Doing in-company research projects

a step by step approach

2014 || Paperback || Arjan de Bont || Coutinho

Many business schools include compulsory in-company research projects. Typically, these projects require that research activities converge into well-founded, practically relevant recommendations for management.

This book helps students do in-company research via a straightforward step-by-step approach. After mapping out information gaps, research questions are addressed by systematically collecting and analyzing data. The research findings help formulate practical recommendations. Each step i...

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Presentation techniques / Druk 2

2013 || Paperback || Manon van der Laaken e.a. || Coutinho

A research project is not finished until the results have been published. No matter how spectacular the findings, they only become relevant when they have been shared with others, for instance in a presentation at a conference. Students in Bachelor's and Master's programmes are expected to present the results of their projects and their theses too. And with the internationalisation of study programmes, more and more presentations are given in English.

How do you prepare a presentation? How d...

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Effective Strategies for Academic Writing (e-book)

Essay | Paper | Thesis | Journal | Article | Bachelor | Master | Phd

2017 || E-book via Bookshelf || Joy de Jong || Coutinho

Writing a proper scientific text is not an easy job. Academic reality is complex, and text requirements differ per discipline and per writing task. Then there is your research, the basis for your text, which also demands attention.

Effective Strategies for Academic Writing shines a spotlight on the mechanisms of academic thinking, academic writing, and academic texts. It helps academic writers successfully complete their writing tasks. The author discusses strategies for small writing assignm...

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Dynamics in economic geography / Druk 2

Understanding spatial socio-economic inequalities

2023 || Paperback || Ton van Rietbergen e.a. || Coutinho

Understanding spatial socio-economic inequalities

Global transformations such as globalization and climate change influence the economic fate of people and places very differently. Also, places differ in terms of the opportunities they offer to firms and the people living there. As a result, there are important socio-economic inequalities across space. Economic Geography gives you the tools to understand such inequalities.

The aim of this book is to provide students and other interested ...

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Effective Strategies for Academic Writing

Essay | Paper | Thesis | Journal | Article | Bachelor | Master | Phd

2016 || Paperback || Joy de Jong || Coutinho || ook als eBook

Writing a proper scientific text is not an easy job. Academic reality is complex, and text requirements differ per discipline and per writing task. Then there is your research, the basis for your text, which also demands attention.

Effective Strategies for Academic Writing shines a spotlight on the mechanisms of academic thinking, academic writing, and academic texts. It helps academic writers successfully complete their writing tasks. The author discusses strategies for small writing assignm...

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Principles and pitfalls of English grammar / druk 3

2014 || Paperback || J. Lachlan Mackenzie || Coutinho || ook als eBook

Nederlandstalige sprekers van het Engels maken geregeld fouten in de Engelse grammatica.

Principles and Pitfalls of English Grammar gaat uit van het idee dat als je de overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen het Nederlands en het Engels beter kent, je de valkuilen makkelijker kunt vermijden.

Principles and Pitfalls biedt een duidelijke en gebruiksvriendelijke uitleg van de Engelse grammatica, die door oefeningen wordt ondersteund. Bovendien wordt de lezer attent gemaakt op verschillen tussen fo...

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Principles and pitfalls of English grammar / Druk 3 (e-book)

2014 || E-book via Bookshelf || J. Lachlan Mackenzie || Coutinho

Nederlandstalige sprekers van het Engels maken geregeld fouten in de Engelse grammatica.

Principles and Pitfalls of English Grammar gaat uit van het idee dat als je de overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen het Nederlands en het Engels beter kent, je de valkuilen makkelijker kunt vermijden.

Principles and Pitfalls biedt een duidelijke en gebruiksvriendelijke uitleg van de Engelse grammatica, die door oefeningen wordt ondersteund. Bovendien wordt de lezer attent gemaakt op verschillen tussen fo...