Resultaten (4)
Pathophysiology of Heart Disease / 7th edition
An Introduction to Cardiovascular Medicine
2020 || Paperback || Leonard S. Lilly || Wolters Kluwer Health
Enthusiastically acclaimed by medical students and faculty worldwide, this text is specifically designed to prepare students for their first encounters with patients with cardiovascular disease. Thoroughly revised by internationally recognized Harvard Medical School faculty and a team of select cardiology fellows and internal medicine residents, this seventh edition equips students with a clear, complete, and clinically relevant understanding of cardiovascular pathophysiology, setting a stron...
Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease / 10th edition
2020 || Hardcover || Vinay Kumar e.a. || Elsevier
Readable and highly illustrated, Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 10th Edition presents an in-depth, state-of-the-art overview of human diseases and their cellular and molecular basis. This best-selling text delivers the latest, most essential pathology knowledge in a readable, interesting manner, ensuring optimal understanding of the latest basic science and clinical content. More than 1,000 high-quality photographs and full-color illustrations highlight new information in mol...
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Leerboek oncologie / Druk 10
2020 || Paperback || J.H.J.M. van Krieken e.a. || Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Dit leerboek geeft studenten geneeskunde en verpleegkunde inzicht in de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in de multidisciplinaire aanpak van kanker. Ook is het een handig naslagwerk voor (huis)artsen en verpleegkundigen, die met oncologische vraagstukken te maken hebben en onderdeel zijn van een multidisciplinair team.
Leerboek oncologie heeft als uitgangspunt dat de patiƫnt door een multidisciplinair team besproken en behandeld wordt. Daarbij leidt precisiediagnostiek tot precisiebehandeling, optim...
Gray's Atlas of Anatomy / 3rd edition
2020 || Paperback || Richard L. Drake e.a. || Elsevier
Clinically focused, consistently and clearly illustrated, and logically organized, Gray's Atlas of Anatomy, the companion resource to the popular Gray's Anatomy for Students, presents a vivid, visual depiction of anatomical structures. Stunning illustrations demonstrate the correlation of structures with clinical images and surface anatomy - essential for proper identification in the dissection lab and successful preparation for course exams. Build on your existing anatomy knowledge with stru...