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Juridisch woordenboek Diccionario juridico
Nederlands-Spaans met register Spaans-Nederlands voor rechtspraktijk, handel en bedrijfscommunicatie Neerlandes-Espanol con indice alfabetico Espanol-Neerlandes para la practica juridica, comercial..
2021 || Paperback || M.C. Oosterveld- Egas Repáraz e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
morgen verzonden
Urban Living at the Beginning of the 21st Century in Amsterdam, Hamburg and Vienna
2020 || Paperback || Irene Sagel-Grande || Maklu, Uitgever
"Urban Living at the Beginning of the 21st Century in Amsterdam, Hamburg and Vienna" is based on the EU-subsidised research project "Insecurities in European Cities" (InSec) and on the data collected in the framework of this study. While the InSec project combined Amsterdam, Budapest, Hamburg, Krakow and Vienna in the one research, the present study centres on Amsterdam with its areas De Baarsjes and De Bijlmer, while using Hamburg with the area Wilhelmsburg and Vienna with the district Leopo...