
Karrarikh Tor (3)
Engels (3)
Hardcover (3)

Resultaten (4)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Language of Sound – in colour - Volume 1

2022 || Hardcover || Karrarikh Tor || Dark World International

Music Theory: The Language of Sound, reveals the secrets of the guitar and bass guitar. It can be scary to get into music theory for a guitarist or bassist but this is a great place to start. You will never need another chord book or theory book again. The Language of Sound teaches you how to build chords from the root and play melodies in any Key. The graphics tie the fretboards of a guitar and bass guitar to the piano keyboard and sheet music, making it a valuable tool not just for guitaris...

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Folk (Music) Education

Naar een didactiek van de Folk

2022 || Paperback || Filip Verneert e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever

Hoe word je een folkmuzikant? Het is een muzikale en persoonlijke reis langs veel verschillende wegen. Folkmuzikant worden is een proces waar bij de context van groot belang is: de gemeenschap van folkmuzikanten, de inbedding in de traditie, de sociale beleving van muziek spelen en het leren van elkaar.

In dit boek gaan we op zoek ‘naar een didactiek van de folk’. We merken immers dat folk meer en meer aandacht krijgt in het onderwijs en dit roept vragen op over de eigenheid van het leren...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Language of Sound – in colour - Volume 3

2022 || Hardcover || Karrarikh Tor || Dark World International

Music Theory: The Language of Sound, reveals the secrets of the guitar and bass guitar. It can be scary to get into music theory for a guitarist or bassist but this is a great place to start. You will never need another chord book or theory book again. The Language of Sound teaches you how to build chords from the root and play melodies in any Key. The graphics tie the fretboards of a guitar and bass guitar to the piano keyboard and sheet music, making it a valuable tool not just for guitaris...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Language of Sound – in colour - Volume 2

2022 || Hardcover || Karrarikh Tor || Dark World International

Music Theory: The Language of Sound, reveals the secrets of the guitar and bass guitar. It can be scary to get into music theory for a guitarist or bassist but this is a great place to start. You will never need another chord book or theory book again. The Language of Sound teaches you how to build chords from the root and play melodies in any Key. The graphics tie the fretboards of a guitar and bass guitar to the piano keyboard and sheet music, making it a valuable tool not just for guitaris...