
Paperback (4)
Hardcover (2)

Resultaten (6)

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Food quality management / 1st Edition

Technological and managerial principles and practices

2020 || Hardcover || Pieternel A. Luning e.a. || Wageningen Academic Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

Consumer understanding of food quality is crucial as their concerns for healthy, safe and sustainable food production remain high. This forces actors and stakeholders in the agribusiness and food industry to use quality management as a strategic approach in production and innovation.

This book describes Food Quality Management (FQM) in one integrated concept. Firstly, all relevant aspects of food quality management are combined into one FQM-function model, which shaped the structure of the bo...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Unjustified Justification Animal Husbandry

Our Future i s Vegan Organic

2024 || Paperback || Theo Grent || U2pi BV || met inkijkexemplaar

‘Unjustified Justification Animal Husbandry’ focuses on answering the question of how producing and consuming sufficient organic food without animal and chemical inputs is possible and even preferable. Vegan-organic growers put into practice that it is possible to grow healthy crops without using intentionally bred animals and their products. Growing green biomass in a crop rotation plan and adding organic materials to the soil to support plant growth and biological activity can be as muc...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Desmids of the Lowlands / Druk 2

Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidiaceae of the European Lowlands

2023 || Hardcover || Peter Coesel e.a. || KNNV Uitgeverij || met inkijkexemplaar

Investigators of freshwater ecosystems inevitably are faced with various microphytes. It is generally accepted that algal species (among which phytoplankters) are important indicators of water quality. In particular desmids (a group of green algae) are excellent indicators of environmental conditions such as pH, conductivity and trophic state of a water body. 

In addition to that, because of their preferential occurrence in vulnerable habitats, desmids lend themselves well to figuring i...

Leverbaar vanaf 6 mei

Flourishing Foodscapes

Design for city-region food systems

2018 || Paperback || Han Wiskerke e.a. || Valiz

The term 'foodscapes'-a combination of food and landscape-refers to the social and spatial organization of networks and systems of food provisioning. In other words, the physical places and social practices of food production, food processing, distribution, sales, preparation, and consumption. Creating future-proof food systems is about addressing their social, economic, and ecological vulnerabilities and sustainabilities. It also relates to how the spatial qualities of the rural and urban la...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Far From The Tree

Parents, Children and the Search for Identity

2014 || Paperback || Andrew Solomon || Vintage Publishing

**WINNER OF THE WELLCOME BOOK PRIZE 2014**A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERSometimes your child - the most familiar person of all - is radically different from you. The saying goes that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But what happens when it does? Drawing on interviews with over three hundred families, covering subjects including deafness, dwarfs, Down's Syndrome, Autism, Schizophrenia, disability, prodigies, children born of rape, children convicted of crime and transgender people, Andr...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Precision technology and sensor applications

for livestock farming and companion animals

2023 || Paperback || E. (Lenny) van Erp-Van der Kooij || Wageningen Academic Publishers

Are you a student from an animal science or biology background who wants to work with data and technology, or are you from a business, technology or IT background and venturing into the animal sector? This book will guide you into the exciting cross-over field of data science and animal husbandry. After introducing you to the facts and figures of the main animal sectors, you will be inspired by a truckload of sensor applications for animals, from activity collars to rumen boluses, and from fa...