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Objects, Commodities and Material Cultures in the Dutch Republic
Exploring Early Modern Materiality Across Disciplines
2024 || Hardcover || Judith Noorman e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
How did objects move between places and people, and how did they reshape the Republic’s arts, cultures and sciences?
‘Objects’ were vitally significant for the early modern Dutch Republic, which is known as an early consumer society, a place famous for its exhaustive production of books, visual arts and scientific instruments. What happens when we push these objects and their materiality to the centre of our research? How do they invite us to develop new perspectives on the early moder...
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What is quality in art?
A meditaction based on European paintings from the 15th to the 18th centuries
2024 || Hardcover || Alejandro Vergara Sharp || Hannibal Books
– Antonio Muñoz Molina, El País
"This wonderful and wise book made me look at the artwork without intimidation or any confusion. It is a great pleasure to be guided by the experienced eye of Alejandro Vergara."
— Olga Tokarczuk, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature
Throughout history, human beings have excelled at creating art of the highest quality. Aristotle wrote that Homer “surpassed all others” while Pliny the Elder referred to “masterpieces that we never tire of admiring...
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Bauhaus Goes West
Modern Art and Design in Britain and America
2024 || Hardcover || Alan Powers || Thames & Hudson Ltd
An exploration of the Bauhaus school and its legacy in the context of the modernist period, including its wider influence on art, design, and education.
Volker Hermes: Hidden Portraits
Old Masters Reimagined
2024 || Hardcover || Volker Hermes || Persell Trading
The official book of Hidden Portraits by world-leading digital artist Volker Hermes - volker.hermes on Instagram. This beautifully produced collection of work from a social-media phenomenon is a hoghly modern and mysetrious take on the Old Masters.
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The Logos Mask
The foliate mask as a representation of the divine Logos
2024 || Paperback || E.L. Hoffman-Klerkx e.a. || Elikser B.V. Uitgeverij
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Global Art
2024 || Paperback || Jessica Lack || Thames & Hudson Ltd
An essential guide to the multifarious and increasingly connected world of global art from 1900 to today.
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Leo Gestel en Gustave De Smet
vluchtelingen zielsverwanten
2024 || Hardcover || Hans Hagen || Eburon || met inkijkexemplaar
Leo Gestel en Gustave De Smet, vluchtelingen – zielsverwanten Gestel (1881-1941) en De Smet (1877-1943) kregen beiden de eerste schilderlessen van hun vader en kozen op jonge leeftijd voor een leven als vrij kunstenaar. Ze behoorden elk in eigen land al gauw tot de voorhoede, die het klassieke academische wilde afschudden en op zoek gingen naar stijlvernieuwingen. In Nederland waren dat Gestel, Sluijters en Mondriaan; in Vlaanderen De Smet met onder meer van den Berghe en Permeke.
De Duitse...
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Roof & Restitutie Deel II ENG
The Tragic Fate of the Van den Bergh Family and the Search for a Painting
2024 || Hardcover || Eelke Muller e.a. || Waanders Uitgevers
Can parents ever overcome the loss of their children? Theirs was a happy family: Jaap and Ellen van den Bergh and their two daughters, Rosemarie and Marianne. Then the German army invaded the Netherlands in May 1940 and everything changed. The family was of Jewish descent and they were no longer sure of their lives. By selling a serene painting by Pissarro, The Girl Lying in the Grass, they funded the expenses of their hiding place. Jaap and Ellen van den Bergh survived the war. For a long ti...