
Hardcover (2)
Paperback (2)
2023 (2)

Resultaten (4)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Foundations of Urban Design

2022 || Hardcover || Marcel Smets || Luster Uitgeverij

After years of experience in education, research, design and policy, Professor Marcel Smets, former Flemish Government Architect, compiles his insights on the city and urban design in a personal booklet.

In his search for the foundations of urban design, Marcel Smets puts forward thirty complementary pairs of concepts. He starts from archetypal settlement forms (ribbon and cluster, ladder and star), typifies morphological categories (street and road, island and archipelago) and highlights ch...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Politics of Design

2022 || Paperback || Liesbeth Huybrechts e.a. || Luster Uitgeverij

Re-Framing the Politics of Design is a research, exhibition and book project exploring the role of designers in collaboratively giving shape to future changes addressing complex challenges such as climate change, mobility and migration. By looking at concrete, situated case studies, this book explores the current need for designers to re-frame their political agency, engaging with the deep relationality connecting us all, humans (and not only those who already have a voice in society and are...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Toerist Modernist

Walking Along Modernist Architecture in Belgium

2023 || Paperback || Gerlin Heestermans || Luster Uitgeverij

- 12 city walks along modernist gems -

Toerist Modernist is a tribute to Belgium’s lesser-known modernist heritage. It all started with

an online heritage platform. In 2019, Gerlin Heestermans created toeristmodernist.be to share her passion for beautiful modernist houses and buildings and draw attention to their heritage value and vulnerability. Many of them currently do not have official monument status. Since then, spotting these gems, and ringing people’s doorbell to ask if she can ta...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden


2023 || Hardcover || Van Damme & Vandeputte || Luster Uitgeverij

Transcending the boundaries of traditional portfolios, Morphē by Van Damme•Vandeputte Architects is much

more than a collection of architectural achievements. It is a profound exploration of the architects’ journey and an ode to the power of architecture to instigate change, shape environments, and evoke a symphony of emotions that resonate deep within the human soul.

Morphē, meaning ‘form’ or ‘shape’, encapsulates this transformative essence; this book invites you to explore th...