Resultaten (10)
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Study Skills for Chinese Students
2014 || Paperback || Courtney || SAGE
Providing support, guidance, and an aid to study, this handy guide helps you adapt to life as a student in the UK. You will find tips and information on life skills, cultural differences and university life, as well as key research and study skills.
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Unleashing Student Superpowers
Practical Teaching Strategies for 21st Century Students
2014 || Paperback || Swanson || Corwin Pr
This book provides elementary school teachers with strategies to unleash the learning superpowers of students that foster inquiry-based, student-driven classrooms.
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Van hard werken naar bewust werken / druk 1
het normaliseren van de werkdruk in de verpleging en verzorging
2014 || Paperback || Jean-Luc Spaninks e.a. || Piramidions
De ouderenzorg staat onder toenemende maatschappelijke en politieke druk. Veranderingen binnen de zorg zijn dan ook onontkoombaar. Van zorgorganisaties wordt verwacht dat men de kwaliteit van de zorg weet te waarborgen. Heldere communicatie en duidelijke afspraken naar cliƫnt en diens familie, betreffende de geboden zorg, zijn een absolute voorwaarde voor de persoonlijke beleving van deze waarborging.In dit boek wordt het proces - Van hard werken naar bewust werken - ontvouwd dat organisatie...
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Teaching the iStudent
A Quick Guide to Using Mobile Devices and Social Media in the K-12 Classroom
2014 || Paperback || Barnes || SAGE
This book helps teachers understand the lives and minds of today's learners, who have grown up surrounded by iPhones, iPads, computers, and other digital forms inorder to thoughtfully and meaningfully use technology to enhance their learning.
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Primary Mathematics Audit and Test
Audit and Test
2021 || Paperback || Mike Fletcher e.a. || SAGE
A self test tool for trainee primary teachers to help them identify their strengths and weaknesses in mathematics and to monitor and evaluate progress towards Qualified Teacher Status.
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Lessons in Teaching Grammar in Primary Schools
2014 || Hardcover || Horton || SAGE
Providing exemplar lessons. with detailed explorations of theory the behind them, this book encourages trainees to consider the teaching of grammar critically and to envisage how they can shape lessons to effectively teach grammar.
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Positive Behavior Support at the Secondary Targeted Group Level
Yellow Zone Strategies
2014 || Paperback || Riffel || SAGE
A companion guide to Positive Behavior Support at the Tertiary Level: Red Zone Strategies (Riffel, 2011), focused on tier two small group interventions. Topics include establishing procedures and routines, working in small groups and conducting individualized interventions in the classroom, managing transitions, and following up to measure effectiveness.
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Managing the Cycle of Acting-Out Behavior in the Classroom
2014 || Paperback || Colvin || SAGE
Building on a model using seven phases of acting-out behavior presented in the first edition, this edition draws on new research in applied behavior analysis, sound instructional principles, and functional behavior assessment to deliver a clear roadmap for educators to design interventions in a clear, systematic, and achievable manner.
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10 Critical Components for Success in the Special Education Classroom
2014 || Paperback || Rohrer || SAGE
A great resource for teaching assistants, NQTs, and school leaders and principlas wishing to establish a collaborative and consistent SEN setting where their students feel safe and successful.
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Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Learners
A Leader's Guide
2014 || Paperback || Honigsfeld || SAGE
Provides templates for creating English Language Learners profiles that will enable you to address their unique needs. It prompts for professional learning activities and further readings. This book includes the latest research findings on best instructional practices that benefit ELs.