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morgen verzonden
Moving Questions (Heruitgave)
65 questions that lead you to a different realm
2019 || Cards || Siets Bakker || Uitgeverij Het Noorderlicht
Good questions help you reflect on things. But great questions bring you off balance.
Use this set of cards to review issues from a systemic point of view and allow this perspective to work for you. You can use one side of the card set to ask great questions or use the symbols on the other side as representatives for a table constellation. 65 (!) Questions to help you get started. Which of them resonates? Which don’t? Symbols to keep looking, as representatives in a table constellation. The...
morgen verzonden
Moving Questions
how to let questions work for you
2019 || Paperback || Siets Bakker || Noorderlicht, Het
Stop working hard to resolve problems. Particularly those problems that keep returning, but in a different form. Look for the reason why the problem in question is a good solution. Discover what’s blocked. Moving Questions help you to do this.
By asking Moving Questions, you introduce movement to situations that are stuck. Both professionally and personally. For you and other people. By asking questions such as: Who does this problem belong to? Is it yours or does it belong somewhere else?...